Awful Song Thread!

Could be worse:


I sure hope thatā€™s puddingā€¦

This is awesome and in no way belongs here, thanks anyway!


Hehehe! I loved it as a young man, but even then I recognised an element of ā€œDonā€™t quite know what weā€™re doing yetā€ in this album that placed it firmly in both camps.

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Found whilst researching a video for the Twitter-Joy-Division kerfluffle (both this, and the one I wanted, are from South Africa. Different times, different artists).


vengaboys and no venga bus, DISAPPOINT

and if we are digging up awful, my contribution is Creed, all of it.


I was waiting for someone to bring the autotune.

Thereā€™s far too much decent music in the other thread. Letā€™s lower the bar.

Thanks smash. Iā€™m now alternately laughing uncontrollably, and feeling a bit nauseated.

I donā€™t think it can even compete with some of the earlier posts, but this one in rotation in the early MTV days, probably should be in here somewhere.

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Blast from the 70s. So much great music from that period. And stuff like this, too.

Well, seeing as you askedā€¦

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Not sure what these guys think about magnets:

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Cool. I used to be in a band that sounded just like that. We were shite.

Sadly, it seems that Jarl Sigurdā€™s meisterwerk ā€œBlack Lung Suicideā€ seems to have vanished into the mists of time. :crying_cat_face:

not the most inspired lyric, but I actually dig the sound

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Shooby Taylor. I think he can go into the ā€œso bad it gets awesome againā€ category as well.


Daneel, youā€™ve got your threads mixed up. Awesome song. Awesome!

@timquinn Iā€™ll cop to actually liking Vehicle, and the Jonesā€™ version, too. but the ā€œdancingā€ heā€™s doing? doubleyouuuu-teeeee-efffffffffffff? and those women are swooning! My Korean-American friend does a thingā€“I pictured him doing it while I watched thisā€“he shakes his head and, in his fatherā€™s full-on Korean accent, exclaims ā€œHwhite peo-ple!ā€ I guess youā€™d have to know him, but believe me, it applies.

The lyrics are undeniably creepy

To its credit, it did knock Meatloaf off the #1 spot.

Thatā€™s pretty much the ā€œat least the trains ran on timeā€ defense, but you takes what you can.


A Paul McCartney double bill:

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Thatā€™s a really good title.

Think about this stuff a bit.

Itā€™s not high-latin with fancy rhyme-schemes and esoteric allusions; Itā€™s talking about a pretty normal dumping in a small town shopping district. The title is amusing for its length, and its banality. Which is amusing and refreshing.

To a certain extent. Itā€™s also probably a bit calculated. :::sigh:::

Iā€™d probably find this a mildly palatable but forgettable power ballad, if not for the fact that it will forever be stuck in my memory as the song my freshman roommate left playing one night when he went to bed.

Half awake and never having heard it before, it took far too long for me to figure out the song had ended already (several times) and heā€™d left it on infinite repeat. By that point I loathed it.