Psst! Hey, Crawdad! I think someone’s on to us! Ixnay on the arrioncay avengingscay!
How did you vote five times? You just can’t trust voting machines.
The Classic Blunders:
- Never get involved in a land war in Asia
- Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line
- Never trust a voting machine when a Space Lobster is involved.
Four Two scavengers have yet to choose a mission.
58/110 | 21 | 25 | 42 | 24 | 19 Shiny!
80/100 | 23 | 18 | 25 | 33 | 18 Honey wine
22/110 | 17 | 20 | 30 | 36 | 26 Lil Smokey
44/10 | 18 | 16 | 28 | 48 | 20 Princess Rembrandt
##The Philosolobster Assessment:
Shiny! @OtherMichael Should consider Mission 4 (the recon mission), three times
Purchasing two attitude_jets (2 x 60 = 120 U) results in a ZERO chance of damage.
Even without buying any upgrades, Shiny! has a 60% chance of NO damage across all three missions.
Honeywine @rkt88edmo is a good candidate for either Mission 2 or MIssion 3.
Mission 2 is all about keeping the damage down. Buying Parabolic_Antennas is probably a slightly better investment than buying Attitude_Jets. My best guess is that every 1 increase in EVA decreases damage by 1.2 HP, while every 1 increase in SEN decreases damage by 1.5 HP – but those estimates involved some crude approximating. If you can get GREEN cheaply, then boosting SEN or EVA is an even better idea. (USE GREEN 100 should add 10 to the primary STAT, plus 5 to other stats).
If Honeywine takes Mission 3, buying 2 Flourometers ( 2 x 80 = 160 U) would increase SCI to 30. With 30 SCI, Honeywine should expect 2.3 kills and have a 59% chance of completing all 5 missions unharmed. With the current 18 SCI, Honeywine should expect 1.6 kills and have a 29% chance of completing all 5 missions unharmed,
Lil Smokey @newliminted Will Lead Mission 1
Mr. T. Rump has been SO brave, taken SO much damage - NO ONE loves the Coleridge more then he does – that even mission 3 is too risky. Of course, he is the BEST leader for the FIRST mssion, Mission 1, where he will have a 90% chance of no damage.
Princess Rembrandt @DreamboatSkanky is on Mission 3, five times.
Buying 2 Flourometers ( 2 x 80 = 160 U) would increase SCI to 32. With 32 SCI, Princess Rembrandt should expect 3.1 kills and have a 66% chance of completing all 5 missions unharmed. With the current 20 SCI, Princess Rembrandt should expect 2.1 kills and have a 33% chance of completing all 5 missions unharmed,
##The Current Manifest:
Mission 1: Three of our four diggers will be lead by Lil Smokey. The combined POW exceeds the desired 150 POW. If Lil Smokey Joins, we’ll have maxed out the POW and done everything possible to repel the skirmishers - a great use of an Iconoclast. The BEST use.
Mission 2: Our newly minted Golden Space Dragon and a newly liberated Lobster go for the glory!
Mission 3: Naughty Boy and Princess Rembrandt are going, five times each. Because of the risk to your fellow scavengers. ONLY SIGN UP FOR MISSION 3 IF YOU TAKE ALL FIVE MISSIONS.
Mission 4: Recon special Mission. Racks signed on for three missions. Hopefully Recon Shiny! will also sign up for three missions
Mission 5: Warden special mission. Both Wardens are going on four missions, the maximum possible.
Mission 6: Scholar special Mission. All three scholars signed up.
General evolution theory, based on the integration of the relevant tenets of general system theory, cybernetics, information and communication theory, chaos theory, dynamical systems theory, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics, can convey a sound understanding of the laws and dynamics that govern the evolution of complex systems in the various realms of investigation… The basic notions of this new discipline can be developed to give an adequate account of the dynamical evolution of human societies as well. Such an account could furnish the basis of a system of knowledge better able to orient human beings and societies in their rapidly changing milieu – Ervin László
> nagbot 0x98deebc2a84ecd99abead4e01ab0a03b345d825d
TIME REMAINING : 1d 11h 59m
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 2017-03-19 19:00:00 -0400
@othermichael @rkt88edmo @newliminted @dreamboatskanky
“Look, I know that the state of existence is terrifying, but doing something is better than doing nothing.”
Princess Rembrandt: “Attention Scavengers! Radio Free Coleridge broadcasting remote from Gunnery Deck One, where we put the wag in Welcome Wagon…Good luck, and good lunch to all of you. May the Pinniped Angel of Fallen Friends tickle your chances with his fortunate whiskers. If you’re into that sort of thing…”
SuitPal 9000: “You’re scared, aren’t you, Quirky?”
Princess Rembrandt: "My name…
(Charges the cannon. KLIK. CHUNK. Whirrrrrrrr! ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz! HUMMMMMMMMMMMMM…)
“…is Princess Rembrandt.”
SP9K: Blip.
Princess Rembrandt: “Activate Ultra Super Death Blizzard War Ultra Victory Mode!”
SP9K: “You mean inflate the Clown Hammers?”
Princess Rembrandt: “Yes, inflate the god-damn Clown Hammers. Fffffffffine.”
[[[Thanks for Mission Analysis and Recommendation, @bizmail_public. Thanks for your patience, @everybodyelse. Experiencing some IRL interference here that makes Quirky a little less available than he prefers. When it rains it pours, amirite?]]]
@Kassandra SUBMIT
BUY Fluorometer
BUY Fluorometer
> iotrap.dreamboatskanky: 0x4cb4f69352ab2fc89b1f4571b0f70552059cb13b
“Roger that, dreamboatskanky! Your orders now on file for this round are:”
✔ buy fluorometer
✔ buy fluorometer
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
It is with a serious heart that I accept the nomination to lead mission one. I will indeed guide the entire mission from within the ship, aided by Spokeslobster Crustacean Spicer. He will relay my orders.
@Kassandra submit
Mission one
> iotrap.newliminted: 0x42bf331da02b0bb5baf8ef945fbca99cf4586f2f
“Roger that, newliminted! Your orders now on file for this round are:”
✖ mission one
[ERR] Missionone does not appear to be available this round. :(
“Don’t you worry your pretty head one bit. I bet you come back in one piece just fine.”
I alone can parse these mission orders.
@Kassandra submit
Mission 1
> iotrap.newliminted: 0xb4229cf4064f5080952c4d967f59020d5ff9ac30
mission one
“Roger that, newliminted - the above orders have been discarded. Your new orders on file are:”
✔ mission 1
The crowd has spoken. Only my fellow moose feel I should be tangling with the unknown spawn up close rack forward.
Be that as it may
@Kassandra SUBMIT
Buy Green
Buy Fluorometer
USE GREEN Fluorometer 60
> iotrap.rkt88edmo: 0xe92f5d2987b0cd147aba153edb8eda615a1d5ac5
“Roger that, rkt88edmo! Your orders now on file for this round are:”
✖ buy green
[ERR] green does not appear to be in stock this round. :(
✔ buy fluorometer
✔ use green fluorometer 60
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
@Kassandra SUBMIT
Buy Fluorometer
Buy Fluorometer
@Donald_Petersen & @OtherMichael Can one of you send me 2 juice so that I can max out mission 3 5x?
> iotrap.rkt88edmo: 0x5dd5404a38a4a08d5ad7bf254b666d9d44e98885
buy green
buy fluorometer
use green fluorometer 60
mission 3
mission 3
mission 3
mission 3
mission 3
“Roger that, rkt88edmo - the above orders have been discarded. Your new orders on file are:”
✔ buy fluorometer
✔ buy fluorometer
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
✔ mission 3
Carp - I updated the in-thread shop, but not the shop configuration file - that has been remedied. One unit of GREEN is still available for purchase at the moment.
I don’t really have enough juice, forgot I need 50 to take M3 5x, so fluormeter is fine this round. Kass would have spanked me again for overdrawing my account.
um, All missions are costless this round.
I gots juice for you, hatrack. Lemme check my wallet. How much you need?