Badass Dragon Scavengers of the Void - Round 9 - Emergency Broadcast

Oh damn, I lol’d.


Correct. One player takes mission 5 results in a 1% chance of friendly fire no matter how many times that player takes the mission. If a second player takes mission 5 an additional five times, the chance of friendly fire is now 2%.

Also correct. Friendly fire is a small risk on each attempt of mission 2 or mission 4. On each attempt of mission 2, Tex will face three chances of hitting biomines, one chance of being intercepted, and one chance of friendly fire. Across all three attempts, this would mean nine chances of hitting biomines, three chances of being intercepted, and three chances of friendly fire.

Correct again. Your example using Naughty Boy is precisely accurate - Every successful attempt at mission 3 earns a reward and another go at mission 3 until a gun explosion happens or all attempts are completed. Please note that a gun explosion on the first attempt will result in cancellation of the remaining missions, no reward, and will not alter the odds of friendly fire in mission 2 and mission 4.

I know this is a complex round, @bizmail_public, so I’m happy to answer any more questions you or the other players may have.

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Aw, man. I’m a dead lizard, ain’t I?


@messana Question about mission 2.

From the Description, Mission 2 involves departing form the Coleridge, scooping up goop, and returning to the Coleridge laden with precisely one of GREEN, GOLD, or RED…

Tex Ass is doing Mission 2 three times. Should he die on his third attempt (unlikely, but possible), what happens to the two nodules of RED, GOLD or GREEN he scooped up on the first two trips?

He hasn’t bought out his contract yet, so presumably ownership reverts to PolyCorp. But what does PolyCorp do with it? Automatically use it for the ship? Make it available for other scavengers to purchase?

Thanks for the contractual clarification.

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Maybe you can find a nice little planet to call home for 550 sols.


Sounds great! A nice, quiet, peaceful place utterly devoid of whinging tuber-farming yokels who can’t even hold their peace for 550 seconds.


“In that case, all equipment and globs are added to the hold and made available for purchase to the crew at prices set by moi. In the event that a scavenger manages to buy out their contract, they may create a will to distribute their items in the event of their untimely demise.”

“In fact, the glob of GREEN that Seelo was carrying is in the hold and available for purchase right now. I should probably list it in the store to make that clear.”

I’ve left you an MP3 file in your suit.


to be clear:

Nodules gathered on a successful mission 2 will be in the ship’s hold, for sale, even though the scavenger that gathered the Nodule expired on a subsequent mission in the same round.

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Correct. One attempt at mission 2 involves departing the Coleride, scooping up goop, and returning to the ship bearing precisely one GREEN, GOLD, or RED. These are essentially kept in escrow until all missions are completed and then either released to that surviving crew member for use or added to the hold in the event one of the subsequent attempts is fatal.

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Hey, Tex. I don’t think the lobster has much faith in you.


I’m a Space Lobster. I play all the angles.

As I said in the initial query, the mathematical expectation is that Tex will survive all three Mission 2 runs with room to spare. He’s a lock for two successful missions. However, there is a low probability that he doesn’t survive the third mission 2 attempt, so I want to know who (besides PolyCorp) benefits from the two successful Mission 2 runs.

No disrespect to Tex, but there is no reason he should give a fig about this. If our Golden Dragon makes it, he keeps his loot and well-earned glory. If he doesn’t, not his problem.

But I am betting he (and Tom) make it.

######and if they don’t make it: Surf and Turf for dinner !!!

– Philosolobster


Can I blame the bug? Look at my last mission. Three swings, three misses, 83HP damage.

But I wasn’t a magnificent golden dragon then, was I?


Man - this gold looks nice…all tingly

  • Honeywine should take Mission 2 - We need as much goop as possible and I prefer to keep him downrange and downwind
  • Honeywine should take Mission 3 - He has the SEN to snap down inbounds, and we may still see him get smoked by his own cannon

0 voters

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If I was old enough to pay space-taxes, I’d go work on those as a mental break from figuring out this mission.


“Wagering on who makes it back alive? Why does this always seem to happen near the end of a run?”

“Still, I wanna see some juice change hands on this.”



Honeywine (and others),

If you take mission 3 GO ALL FIVE TIMES.
if you take Mission 2, GO AT LEAST TWICE

Once you embark on Mission 3, the same additional friendly fire risk is applied to everyone else whether you go one time or five times. Likewise, upon a canon jamming, you will suffer the indentical damage regardless of the number of times. you attempt to sally forth.

That is, if you can’t take the Mission 3 damage, you shouldn’t even go once. The odds of a jam are too high. If you can take the damage, and you’ve already exposed the MIssion 2 and MIssion 4 folks to the friendly fire risk, then blast away as many times as you can. The odds of damage increase, but the amount of damage remains the same.

We have to deal with these baddies, either this round or next. Probably better to blast them with the ships guns than fight them hand-to-hand.

Likewise, anyone taking Mission 2, GO AT LEAST TWICE. You will sustain enough damage in even a single run that you will need to patch up with a GOLD.

Honeywine has 80 HP. He can easily do Mission 2 once, but he’ll be beat up. Doing Mission 2 twice is okay but risky: there is about a 20% that he won’t have any GOLD or RED for repair. Going on Mission 2 three times gives him roughly even odds of being my dinner.

######(oops – did I just say that? I may need to re-optimize the social persuasion circuits)

That’s why I voted for Honeywine to take Mission 3. Five times.

We must have courage to bet on our ideas, to take the calculated risk, and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness. – Maxwell Maltz



Huh. I just voted that way because I saw Smoked Moose.