Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 6 - Synergy

LK, GRIT and HP may not be redistributed. None of these things can be willed.

LK helps chance to dodge. EN and SH reduce damage.


Better late than never, perhaps.

The bank board has deliberated, cogitated and digested.

Loans in the following amounts have been approved:

@rkt88edmo b23
@steampunkbanana b40
@DreamboatSkanky b40
@newliminted b50

I guess the money is currently in Natasha (@davide405)'s account, but she has proven difficult to get hold of.


Attempting to wear the monocle just earned, Browf sits down at the console and struggles to read the display. After the eyepiece popping off his cheek tens of times, he gives up.

Browf: “Dakota, dost thou wish to procure a monocle?”

Dakota: “What would I do with a monocle? Toss it behind the bar at Ducks and see who claims it”

Browf: “Good idea.”

Finally able to read the display:

+ BALANCE: b28 +

Browf: “We came out of that better than expected. Good job on the aim assist, Dakota!”

Dakota: “Time to repair the ship and take on a safe mission. Here’s the numbers:”

“If we borrow a single bit, we can fully repair and go for a better mission (and keep me paid):”

-b24, + 48HP | Hull Repairs
-b5 | Crew Fee, Dakota Hoofington
b0 | Mission 1 – Cubical Drones - 4 drones (projections: +b200, -75HP)
28 - 24 - 5 = -1

Browf: “75HP!? We’ll be swiss cheese by the time we arrive back at Ducks!”

Dakota: “Yes, but if Pete keeps his prices low, we’ll escape with only a b38 repair bill, rolling out shiny with a sweet b167.”

Browf: “The markets are fluctuating so badly, do we gamble on Pete?”

Dakota: “This ship has an escape pod, right?”

Browf: “…Can someone lend us a single bit?”


“I.M.V. Carcinogenic Denture, do you copy? Thisss is Itsss Majesssty’s Admiralty hailing from Herpeton VI. Do you copy? Rear Admiral Enik requiresss an update. Denture, do you copy?”


“Confound thisss interference! Sssir Galaxxxy, come in!”


“Do you sssuppose…?”

“No, sssir, the transssponder’s sssignal isss faint but clear. The Denture may have sssuffered heavy damage, but her atmosssphere iss ssstill intact.”

“Why won’t they anssswer?”


“Itth Majethty’th Veththel Carthinogenic Denture to Herpeton Admiralty, we retheive you.”

“Did you hear that? Sssounded like sssome sssort of resssponssse.”

“Can you make it out, my lord?”

“Not sssure. The sssssibilancce iss almossst completely absssent from the transssmisssssion. It’sss very hard to decccccipher.”

“Herpeton Admiralty, thith ith the Carthinogenic Denture, mayday, mayday. We have thuffered heavy damage, our engineth are offline, life thupport ith thtabilized (though we’ve been drinking each other’th uric pathte for a week now), and the captain’th thcrapie hath worthened. He’th EVA now, and thwearth he won’t come back in until at leatht one of the rethonator arrayth ith online and tuned to E-flat.”

“Could you make any of that out, Ssssspock?”

“Negative, Admiral. Not a sssingle hissss made it through. If I may offer an unsssolicited opinion…?”

“Go ahead.”

“Either their Communicationsss Officer isss dead and we’re lissstening to the unholy lisssp of a juvenile ssscience officer whose milk-fangsss have yet to erupt, or their comm array hasss taken the precissse amount of damage to make it sssound ssso.”

“The kidsss sssound like that?”

“I know it has been a very long time, Admiral, but long ago, perhapsss even you had trouble hisssssing correctly. With all due ressspect, sssir.”

“Hmph. I am not entirely certain that I didn’t jussst hear sssome actionable impertinence here in the Admiral’sss Chamberssss.”

“My lord, the cry for help…?”

“Oh, very well. Ahem. [click] Hello there…? Sssir Galaxxxy? Do you read me?”

“Thir, pleathe thend aththithtanthe ath thoon ath poththible!”

“Dear Subterranean Ssssleesstak Godsss, thisss iss imposssible. The poor lad isss completely incomprehensssible. Let me try Galaxxxy’ss persssonal comlink.”


“Sssir Galaxxxy, do you copy? Thisss iss Rear Admiral Enik calling.”

“Ssssir Galaxxxy here. What the hell do you want?”

“Galaxxxy! You’re alive! Your sssissstersss will be ssso happy to hear the newsss…”

“Cut the chatter, Enik. I don’t have time for familial formalitiesss. The Denture isss down to 12% hull integrity, and I…”

“Wasss your missssion adequately profitable?”

“Profitable? Sure, it was profitable, but it made my ship better-ventilated than a ssscreen-door factory. I only jussst got the comm array up and running, and the Professsor hasss been…”

“Professssor? Ah, that would be your… er, junior ssscienccce officer, correct?”

“Yeah, sssmart kid, ambitiousss, too. Gotta keep my eye on him or elssse he’ll make my sssissster proud by ssstaging a coup sssome evening while I’m in the head. Anyway, I got a shit-ton of work to do here, ssso…”

“I need to sssee a return on my invessstment, Galaxxxy.”

“Yeah, sure you do. Don’t worry, we’re in it for the long haul, Admiral…”

“Don’t ‘Admiral’ me, Galaxxxy. It’s lassst call. Your chip isss to be cashed in. Today.”

“That’ssss… not what my ssschedule sssaysss.”

“Mattersss have come to a head. Developmentsss have accelerated while you were adrift thisss week. Ella’sss making her move. Unizone forced her hand early.”

“That’sss not really my problem, Enik. Take it up with Falkayn. He’sss the one who…”

“Falkayn iss dead, Galaxxxy.”

“The hell you sssay.”

“Took one one asssteroid too many. Or one pirate. Difficult to sssay, really. He almossst made it.”

“You bassstard.”

“I? I remind you that the circumssstancesss of my hatching were at leassst as legitimate as yoursss…”

“Then it takesss one to know one, and I recognize a cold-blooded opportunissstic reptile when I sssee one. You had sssomething to do with thisss. Falkayn became inconvenient to you and you…”

“I what? My talonsss are clean, Galaxxxy, at leassst as far as you’ll ever be able to prove. Now limp that ssstringlesss shell you call a ship back to Herpeton now and pay me every thin repton you owe me, plusss double the interessst we agreed upon, or you’ll end up in worssse shape than Falkayn. And nobody is about to name a bank after your cracked ssscaly assss. Enik out.”


“D&^% that m@^#=%-f@$#!&% skink! Professsor! Hey, Professsor!!

“Thir! You’re back online! Are you feeling…?”

“Shut yer flyhole, Prof. We gotta get thisss heap in shape to fight. Falkayn mussst be avenged. And for that, I’m gonna need to be able to afford a hat.”

“Falkayn? What happened to him? I thought you never liked…”

“Shaddap, Prof. We got work to do. Call up Pete down at the ssscrapyard, get usss on the overhaul docket.”

“What should I do with thith ham? And… frithbee?”

“Ssstash the ham in the fridge in my quartersss. Patch a hole with the Frisbee. Get moving!”

Beginning balance - b160.0000

Purchase Complete Overhaul - gets me up to 102/112HP, 25SH

Purchase 1x Hull Plating - brings me up to 29SH

Mission 1 - Cubical Drones X 6

Ending balance - b0.0000


I like the cut of your jib.

Give @Glutnix b1


“Chronometer is tickin’, ain’t it? Oy, Pete! The other spacers done told me good things about yer operation. I know ya ain’t much fer politics and neither am I. I just wanna stick it so far up Unizone’s craw that they’ll be vacating hadrons for at least a megacycle. They done wrong by a number of sentients what I’d ranked quite highly. A slight like that can’t go without a proper response, eh?”

“But by the look on yer face I can see that ya understand. If I could trouble ya to retrofit this faithful collection of atoms into a sturdier form? I reckon I have some number of bits what might convince a skeptical mind, and my grandlobsters will be thankin’ yer.”

“An’ Ella? Let me lock in this launch window in case I don’t get a chance to revisit it. Things are happening quickly now, and it’s anyone’s guess where they’ll be sittin’ this time next cycle, eh? You ever been in a sector where replicators got loose, Ella? It’s a messy time, and if you don’t focus on the outbreak when it happens? Well, things get much worse much faster than anyone had ever thought possible. Kill the body and the head will die, right? Space Lobsters can YOLO pretty hard when they want to, ya know.”

Captain Lazlo ‘Scuttle’ Deepwalker

+---------- Ship ----------+-- HP ---+- FP -+- SH -+- EN -+- ST -+- LK -+- GRIT -+
| Didn't See That Coming   | 8/103   |  26  |  21  |  17  |  17  |  58  |   4    |
144.8b | Starting funds
-48.0b | +48 Hull Repairs (+95 HP)  @Pete's Scrapyard
-60.0b | Gatling Cannon (+8FP) @Ella's Shipping Depot
- 0.0b | Mission 1: Cubical Drones (x6 drones)

 36.9b | remaining funds

Oh oh…

Better get


Browf: “Thank you gracious sir! You stand to make a 200% ROI on this!”

Dakota: “The money’s come through. Locking in the orders. We’ll fly by the Pond to deposit the monocle.”

-b24, + 48HP | Hull Repairs
-b5 | Crew Fee, Dakota Hoofington
b0 | Mission 1 – Cubical Drones - 4 drones (projections: +b200, -75HP)
donate Monocle to Duck’s Pond Lost and Found

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give @daneel 4ST for 4FP

Yeesh, this money is burning a hole in my pocket. I caught myself staring at the hats down at the Royal Bowler for several hours, knowing that my ship was falling apart, and yet thinking that if I had a racing derby balanced on the top of my carapace, I might just be fast enough to escape all my troubles…

Luckily, I brought the engineer along on the shopping trip this time (there were just soooo many repairs I couldn’t be truster to keep track of them all), and she would hear none of my excuses, though I did finally get her to admit that finely made hat would look good on me. Sigh…

Still, having a really nice ship has to somewhat make up for the failings of her captain, time to invest in what has gotten me this far.

-b10: Mission 3
-b45: Hull Repairs (+90 HP)
-b60: Gatling Cannon (+8FP)
-b200: Hull Plating (+20 SH)
-b200: Scan Scrambler (+20 ST)


Thanks, daneel! Thanks, David Falkayn Memorial Fund (peace be upon him)!

@patrace: I will use this loan to purchase two (2) Machines That Go Bing.

b40 | Machine that goes Bing (x 2)

I will amend my previous post, so that all Quirky’s action and expenditures are located in one place for you.


Start: b94

Note: the David Falkayn Memorial Fund still has b6 from a previous contribution. Captain Jacques will leave that in return for a seat on the board.

Transfer b22 to @davide405 to pay off prior interest free loan.

Running balance: b72

37x Hull Repairs: b37 (72hp, one more than the Entropy actually can use)
1x Scan Scrambler: b20

Running balance: b15

Transfer additional b15 to @davide405 as further investment in the fund. Captain Jacques now has b21 invested.

Running balance: b0

Mission 1 - Cubical Drones: seeking 5 drones.

Don’t do it, you fool!

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“…lessee here…10 drones, multiply by 50 bits per drone, add one Pete, carry the ham…well shut my shell and call me buttered. Now I ain’t never seen it before, but I reckon this station is experiencing an outbreak of dangerous and potentially fatal Hat Fever.”


Get rich or try dyin’, add the saying goes.



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