Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 8 - Bad Penny


Oh, Mr. Mondo, your magnanimity knows few bounds. I have set my ironic sights on that questionable Bee-Keeper’s Hat of yours:

###How I think I look in a Bee-Keeper’s Hat:

###How other captain’s view me in a Bee-Keeper’s Hat:

###How my ship views me in a Bee-Keeper’s Hat:

Nevertheless, I do believe I shall be availing myself of Mssr. Pete’s repair shop. While his personal hygiene and legal claim to much of the tools in his shop may be questionable, the quality of his work is beyond reproach.

Additionally - and having utterly nothing to do with any alleged “pet” names my ex-wife-queen may have used for certain portions of my anatomy - I shall throw my 40FP and non-purchased hat into the ring for Mission 2 - Little Man.

The hive-ship Those Who Deem Inappropriate the Singing of Disney Songs in the Office Bathroom Are Not Worthy of Acknowledgement has finally accepted my reasons, justifications and emotional-appeals, and has re-folded himself in 3-space as a signal of agreement:

#If we do not all emerge together on the other side of this Fiscal Crisis, I want you all to know it has been a pleasure to share drinks and smoke with you, and to serve alongside you all.


Savaric Tubertus Wynkn Basiliscos Leontios Palaeologus al Wathiq


[Je suis venu ici pour botter le cul et obtenir le pollen, et je ne peux trouver aucune pollen.]