Badass Space Dragon - Duck's Pond

Why is that?

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Bonvoro alsendi la pordiston, lausajne estas rano en mia bideo!

It reminds me of my time in Japan.

There was an old pond. And I went there to fish, but mostly to get away.
An old man, older than any Iā€™ve ever seen.
Was seen constantly caring for this pond. He removed the weeds and dead fish.
I bowed to him, just in case.

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:wrench: It appears someone has been meddling with the very fabric of the universe. :wrench:


Yeah, youā€™re going to get that.


Black Flag Rumchatas all around, Duck.

Even if they donā€™t want 'em.


{rolls in a cask of honeywine ]

Duck! Poor a glass of honeywine for every poor soul who says they knew our fine captain, and one for those who say they wish they hadā€¦

Iā€™ll start with a rumchata, I fear Iā€™ve temporarily lost my taste for honeywineā€¦


Try Febreeze, now in new Lobster scent!

UPDATE: of all the 720 hells of the 144 space gods, why him?

Raise your black-flagged drink on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have past us by
The golden age of Falkayn

This was the night not long to come in the year of Unizone Defeat
Where in a Charybdian way-house, poised on the brink of eternity
Four and ninety studded Captains closed the knot of honor
As only drunken space-born can

i know itā€™s lateā€¦ theā€¦ uhā€¦ space alarmā€¦ didnā€™t go off this morning? sir patrick and I attempted to slingshot around the sun to go back in time, but it didnā€™t work.

if possible we would both like to take mission 3. we will accept any late penalties we just donā€™t want to lose our hard-earned GRIT by sitting out :frowning:

b28 - Hull Repairs (+56 HP)
b10 - Mission 3


so sorry ;_;

b29 - Hull Repairs (+58 HP)
b40 - 2x Scan Scrambler (+4 ST)
b40 - Hull Plating (+4 SH)


:meat_on_bone: GM Note: Updated Schedule :meat_on_bone:

:anguished: In the interest of maintaining the ultra mega quality gaming experience of BASD, Iā€™ll be taking a skip week.

:open_mouth: Weā€™re nearing the end of our story and should have final results on May the Fourth.

:unamused: If you have mission tweaks or questions about the subtleties of galactic banking, please feel free to message me.

:disappointed_relieved: No great tragedies in my life, just a few other things chewing on my time.

:sunglasses: You are the best space ship captains to ever populate a galaxy. Thank You.


  • Monday, April 20: Round 7
  • Monday, April 27: Round 8
  • Monday, May 4th: Results & Standings

Can we hire an accountant to do the books? @bizmail_public


Can we pay them in Hot Pockets?

Yes. Accountants love Hot Pockets.


Who doesnā€™t like Hot Pockets. Especially with Mountain Dew

Bradford Benn
sent from my portable device without PGP signing
it might not be from me, it definitely will have a typographic error

Whatā€™s that, sonny? Your interstellarFax number didnā€™t come across the CB.


Theyā€™re opening the Hot Pockets, avert your eyes!

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Yup. :+1:

Missions accepted.