As usual, Captain Falkayn, your logic is unasssssailable. But we Ssspace Lizardss think, and react, and fight from a deeper, more profound level than mere logic.
I have alluded before to the casual-at-bessst nature of Reptiloid filial love. We rarely, if ever, meet our parental gene-donors, and we hatch fully mature (if ssssmallish and dampish and generally unlettered), ssso our clansss our formed and alliancess founded through companionship and philossssophical commonality rather than genealogy. “Friendship runsss thicker than ichor,” the sssaying goesss, which may explain the extended duration of our grudgesss as well as that of our communal affiliationsss.
Don Mondo wass no friend of mine, though our assssociation datess back to our hatchling dayss. The Don and I shared experiencesss that no other creatures have known, and ssso our mutual loathing never managed to keep usss apart for long in our adult and professssional livesss. I was not pleased by the news of his dessstruction, in part because I intended to predeceasssse him, if only sssso that he would feel the sssame disscomfiture at my absssence as I currently am feeling at his. We made great nemesessss, and life holdsss much less color and flavor for me now. Damn him.
Hmm. Well. The Don has… dependentsss. I am pledged to sssupport them in their time of helplesssnessss and grief. Please deduct $4,000.04 from my account for their benefit. They may one day announce what they want to ssspend it on.
And before our lassst mission, I pledged to “make it worthwhile” for whoever tried to sssave Ssssscrapyard Pete from the asssault on his yard. Turned out he made his own esssscape and needed no ressscuing, but I ssstill feel I owe a debt of gratitude to the sssseven who expressssed a willingnesss to ssave and shelter Pete in his hour of need. I’ve earmarked $1,500 $tarbucksss for thisss purpossse, and sssso I offer $214.28 apiece to the noble captainsss of each of the following vesssselss:
Cobra II
Ssssenessscent Wanderer
Pussssillanimous Patty
Muddlin’ Through
First Post1
Jewel of the Desert
The four pence remaining from those $1500 go to the tadpolessss. Never let it be sssaid a Lizard failed to pay hisss debtssss.
“But wait!” sssomeone pipesss up from the Peanut Gallery. “What about the TARD-iss? Did not Captain Underpantssss alssso offer to shelter and protect Pete?” Why yesss, he did. But he alsssso dessstroyed Pete’sss chief sssource of livelihood, forcing him to move to thisss craptassstic hollowed-out ass-teroid (and I did not lisssp there). Undies, you’re on your own.
And now, on to more current businessss. Logic statesss that it might be beneficial to come to the aid of Captain Pedge and his Quissssquil… uh, Quissssssss… his ship. No doubt plenty of my buddies from the fleet will join in his defenssse, and the pocketsss thereaboutsss are deep.
But there’s no putting a pretty face on it: Pedge is the Coalition sssstooge who killed my nemesssisss Don Mondo. By rightsss, that privilege should have fallen to me, decadesss from now, with Mondo and me sssstripped to the ssscalesss, chained together at the anklesss, and armed only with our dewclawsss and retractable sniper-tongues, down in the Pit of Reconciliation back home on Herpeton VI, jussst the way our peoplesss did it for thousandsss of generationssss. I have been robbed, robbed of reconciliation, by thisss sssslick-ssscaled faux-Reptiloid Pedge. Thanksss to thisss treasonousss gecko, I find myssself resssponsssible for an hundred and fifty and ssssix helplessss orphaned polliwogsss, currently grieving and otherwise taking up ssspace in the Flatulent Deity’s starboard hot tub.
Why shouldn’t I help out Tiny and blow the Quissssk into oblivion? I don’t really care about the money, but it sure would cheer up the tadpolesss. And mine is not necesssssarily a logical ssspeciesss. Try to convince me otherwissse, if you think you can.
Accounting for I.M.V. Flatulent Deity:
Beginning balance: $50,000.
Miner’sss Hard Hat (will it fit atop my bolero?): $10,000
Hull Densssity upgrades (to 168HP): $24,000.
Zot Gunsss: $5,000.
Sssscramblersss: $5,000.
Charitable Contribution to the Sssstarboard Home for Indigent Polliwogsss: $4,000.04 (they pay no interessst, but rather enjoy pulling the damp banknotess over their headsss like blanketss)
Reward paid equally to the sssseven would-be Pete ssssaviors: $1,499.96 (that’s $214.28 paid directly to the Cobra II, Ssssenessscent Wanderer, Pussssillanimous Patty, Muddlin’ Through, DubDub, First Post1, Jewel of the Desert)
Mission TBD: $500
Not one thin dime left over.