Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/03/08/bag-containing-53-human-hands.html
Lucky the bag didn’t split in the waves.
(Gross story, mind.)
Strong of stomach, but not even slightly ‘morbidly curious’ enough to look.
I’m not a detective, and none of my speculations will help bring about any resolution or justice for anyone. Suffice it to say that it’s obvious something nefarious happened to a lot of people and it’s just one more sign that the world has some atrocious folks occupying it.
They were all left hands?
reminds me of the kidney donation story: https://youtu.be/D_5nLxZVoPo
Some of them are right hands
Man, sounds like this case has the authorities stumped…
Dammit! I knew I left my bag of hands somewhere!
Gonna be real hard to finger the culprit.
That’s where I left those…sheesh. Mystery solved.
Got to hand it to you I think you are right.
Probably. Also possible that hands had been cut from corpses for some legitimate reason, and a shipping accident happened.
I can imagine certain kinds of researchers needing human hands, and I know that law enforcement sometimes cut hands off of corpses (see Anna Mae Aquash and the FBI) - presumably they get disposed of at some point. In a bag, dumped in the ocean…Ok, maybe wishful thinking.
Possible, but not as probable, unfortunately.
The source article stated that they may have come from a medical facility.
I suspect Dexter.
Not these guys then?
Sounds more like the (hand) waves split in the bag.
Still (h)and all, a bag like that could come in handy.
Especially if one needs a hand disposing of, um, hands!
Hands down it was a medical accident.
(Is it hands all the way down then?)
Where’s that face-palm-hand gif when you need it?