Baltimore: Photos of civil unrest after funeral for Freddie Gray, young black man who died after arrest

It’s hard to have a real conversation with people who seem determined to believe the worst in people. I have one old college friend who is pretty active on Facebook. She’s really into CrossFit and that’s what she mostly posts about. But I know she is Catholic, and one day a blog post she commented on popped up. It was a click-bait article that was pro-life. It was no surprise that my friend is a pro-lifer. But then I read the comment thread on this article and it was just horrifying the things not only in the article but also that people were saying. It basically was saying that women who were pro-choice just wanted to have sex so they could have abortions. Because that’s what being pro-choice is all about! I almost commented on the article but decided I wasn’t ready for the trouncing I was sure to get - I mean the stuff they were saying was such craziness, anyone who was on that thread was not really going to respond to a rational argument. I’m not really sure how to have a conversation with someone who pretends paranoia is fact.


It doesn’t make sense to me.

If you want to prevent abortion, then you would support comprehensive sex ed, accessible contraception, better contraception, prenatal care, artificial wombs, and family support, right?

If you want to prevent eugenics, then you would support acceptance, accommodations, and family support, right?

If you want to punish womyn for having sex… oh, that does explain things.


It just makes me sad.

It’s as if the police are deliberately trying to come up with the most unambiguously flagrant and clear-cut example of racist violence they can possibly imagine.


Yeah, I see the coverage of the riots, and all I can think is that the story is damn insignificant next to the fact that the cops there obviously murdered someone, yet again. When there’s a string of people who have been seriously injured - paralyzed and killed as a result of this practice which is, at best, torture (not to mention others killed by other means as well), with the officers responsible apparently not even facing charges, and this same pattern has repeated for decades, of course people are angry. How could they not be. They have so much to be angry about:


…The only problem I see is a riot space; they need to burn the entire city to the ground and kill the fat middle aged white businessmen that created shit communities for the poor. I’ll be glad to see riots to gain enough power to lynch the elitist plutocrats that been dragging our nation to the ground.

Speaking of Causes, here’s one of them:

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It would be wonderful. Though I’m not holding my breath.


Why’d you replace the link with a video?

I’ll post it back up:
Also what caused the Riots

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B-more gangs do a presser. Love it!
In case that link don’t work:

I always imagined it evolving, through a series of almost imperceptible steps, into a kind of online gameshow where cops compete to kill the most children and are punished with suspension on full pay as a reward.

If you think about it, the first few steps have already been taken, all we need is… oh no wait, it’s been done.


The governer of Maryland has suspended Habeas corpus and the right not to be subjected to excessive bail. On top of the right not to be tortured to death on arrest.


I wonder if the old white guy that recently shot and killed murdered an unarmed man who was pinned by other police officers was exercising all of his professional judgement, or should we (gasp) place a little more confidence in his judgement for the next time that situation occurs?

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Every now and again I catch his stuff and each and every time I come away a little smarter.

Sadly, given the general condition of B’more’s roads, it’s easy for the cops to make that happen. Shitty or nonexistent road work in B’more is in full supply. What a godamn shame, the whole thing. It’s an absolutely beautiful city with residents that are as charming and lovely as anywhere else in America—but we already knew that.

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Although given the damage done to him was equivalent to a serious car crash, I imagine it takes quite a bit more than a few potholes to manage that.

Indeed, and apologies if my comment seemed flippant. The mere fact that one human being could operate a vehicle in order to harm another, or to “teach [them] a lesson” is abhorrent and quite clearly demonstrates the need for reform.

Another thing I’ve noticed about Baltimore is the lack of middle-aged black men. Of the 10 houses I would consider my closest neighbors, there is one, 1, 30 year old black male, and a handful of black men in their late-50s and up. Everyone else is 20-40 and female. It’s a little like buying a new car and then, and only then, seeing how many of those cars are around. I didn’t notice until I noticed, and now I can’t help but notice.

You could also count the lack of safety within the vehicle (metal floor/seats, lack of seat-belts), the Reckless driving (or driving to make the prisoner’s experience a living hell), forced arrest, etc., to what cause Grey to pass away. There’s multiple factors to what caused this riot to happen; like this for example:

But the most obvious cause is the lack of respect for the minorities here in America.

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Interesting that you post that–just yesterday I happened upon the Detroit Water Project, which is a nonprofit that helps disadvantaged folks pay their water bills (they’ve branched to offering the service for Baltimore residents as well).

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