Baptist pastor praises Orlando shooter for killing gays


Hilarious use of the “taken out of context” defense today from this fuckwad.


As long as that neighbor isn’t one of the GAYZ!!!

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Yeah Lincoln said it best…


“All I’m saying is that when people die who deserve to die, it’s not a tragedy,” he told the Bee. Wishing that folks would die is a sin, or so I was taught in Bible school.


A lot of modern religion has become more tolerant of homosexuality, at least on the surface.

Deep down, however, I suspect most of the peaceful flock feel more like this pastor.

The whole “Hate the sin, not the sinner” nonsense is just a round-about way to condemn homosexuality, while pretending to be more tolerant.

This guy just forgot to use the code words.


I am christian. I believe in Christ, the Resurrection, and all. I do not believe this man is in any way shape or form promoting anything christ-like in his toxicity.

Let’s look at this logically.

You are advocating removing from God’s hands and placing in your own when and why a person should die. Hubris.

You are condemning a behavior that was there at birth and by design. Even if you subscribe to the view that gayness is immoral (I disagree iwth you but still just work with me here,) It is still thier choice by that view how they live thier life and you passing ‘justice’ precludes them ever changing their mind (again by the wrongheaded notion gayness is a choice.) SO by your reasoning you’re condemning people to hell rather than giving them a chance at redemption.

You yourself are committing an even greater sin not just in murder, but by acting out of selfish pride that you either know better than God, or that you are God’s insturment on tis earth.

Those that are gay, transgendered, or just plain different (even furries) are our brothers and sisters to be loved for their uniqueness.


[Matthew 5, verses 21-24:] (Matthew 5:21-24 NRSVUE - Concerning Anger - “You have heard - Bible Gateway)

“You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool,’ you will be liable to the hell of fire. So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift.

Edit: removed verse numbering


And some people — my mother for example — wonder why there still need to be pride parades.


I’m strangely reassured that there are places where churches aren’t exempt from property taxes. If that were the case where I live there might be fewer multi-acre monstrosities and the money spent putting in those big screens might actually go to helping poor people.


Actually, I was mistaken in my recollection; it was taxes on water and sewage disposal, but still.


Not all Baptists, I guess:


Now do us all a favor and when you see fellow Christians saying, “The Bible is clear. Gays should be punished by God. They deserve to to be treated as vile sinners”, correct their errors. Call them out on their self-serving interpretations. Call them out on their efforts to give their beliefs power of law. On why it doesn’t entitle them to attack or discriminate against “their neighbors”.


Another case of Obummer refusing to call this an act of Radical Christianity.


Came here to say exactly this but it sounds even better coming from a Christian. Thank you.

I regret that I have but one like to give, so here are some hearts:
:blue_heart::green_heart: :yellow_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart: :yellow_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart: :yellow_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart: :yellow_heart::purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart: :yellow_heart::purple_heart:


How dare you make sense.


hail satan, messenger of reason and tolerance. praise dog i’m an atheist. amen.

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Christ, what an asshole.


(ETA) I think if you say it 3 times in front of a mirror in a dark room, it summons this guy…


“Not hating. Just stating.” - David Crocker
I haven’t seen this before, because I don’t usually read that sort of thread, but I suspect it is, or soon will be, the stock disclaimer appended to every vile bit of Xtianist bigotry on the internet.

From the article: “All I’m saying is…” - Pastor Roger Jimenez
Tip: When someone says that, that’s not all they’re saying.