Baptist pastor praises Orlando shooter for killing gays


Those damn arson loving koalas are at it again. People should not give them matches!


Are you sure thatā€™s not a drop bear? They do look quite similar.


ā€œDrop bearā€ is a slur on the Militant Marsupial Movement.


I was leaning towards the idea that there was a secret Burzum tour that I hadnā€™t heard ofā€¦but you donā€™t fuck with those koalas


Iā€™ve been thinking about this. Octopuses (fight me) in the wild live ~2-3 years because they spend all their time looking after their brood once they reach mating age and they donā€™t get any food. In controlled environments where they donā€™t have to guard their eggs and young they can live decades.

It makes me all very sad and quite happy Iā€™m not a denizen of the deep.


I say this to you now, with as careful thought as I can muster given you are trying to antagonize me.

Take what you see as a good thing. Iā€™m sitting here agreeing with you and everyone else that this is a horrible thing to want, and youā€™re here trying to lecture me on what iā€™m supposed to feel and be as a matter of faith? You come off as militantly atheist and as if you wish to pick a fight.

Iā€™ve ignored you til now because youā€™re not worth it, but at the same time I feel you deserved a response. Take what you want from what I say. Iā€™m far from perfect and prone to anger, so maybe you feel iā€™d be an easy target to goad into making it look like iā€™d bully you, or you simply feel ā€˜oh hey christian, why are you here? your kind is not wanted.ā€™ Why shouldnā€™t you? the mods response when I asked them about your comment was ā€˜suck it up and ignore it.ā€™ So maybe you felt like this was your home and youā€™d be shielded. Maybe you are.

This is my place too and Iā€™ve been here for a long time.

I live with people that agree with this pastor, and it grieves me they do so not just because they are family, but because more simply itā€™s people glad that other people die. That is never the correct response or reaction. Believe what you will for what happens after, but death closes all doors on this earth we walk. Education is the answer to help newer generations not make the mistakes of their parents, but what of people so long in the tooth they wear their attitudes as a badge of honor?

I wish I had an answer, because I donā€™t like the sentiment I hear whenever gay rights or the suffering of those that are gay is on the news.


So Say We All.

I always thought it was ā€œoctopeeseā€.



If you got that out of my post, you need to read more closely or get the chip off your shoulder. You are reading something in there which does not exist.

My point, which you seemed to ignore in favor of some whiny martyrbating is to acknowledge its nice when Christians like yourself say how much you disagree with the bigoted sentiments of many members of your faith. However, such sentiments do not mean very much unless you are willing to direct them towards fellow Christians you disagree with.

NALT Christians (Not All Like That) are generally less than useless. They chose to direct their righteous anger outside at those critical of the faith rather than towards those besmirching its reputation in the first place. Its one thing to say not all Christians are hateful and whatnot to outsiders. Its another to actually address Christians who donā€™t share your sentiments. The ones who act as if they represent the entire faith (including those like yourself) on such matters.

My point was, if you were sincere in your beliefs (which I didnā€™t actually comment on in any derogatory fashion) then you owe it to yourself and your faith to call out those who misuse Christianity for malicious ends.


Octopodes. NEVER ā€˜octopiā€™ - Greek words do not take Latin plurals.


Nobody loves an octopedant.


I know quite a few self-professed Christians who are extremely judgemental people, who seem obsessed with making everything fit their world view. When they complain to me about anything from people to the weather that are ā€œwrongā€, I sometimes cheerfully dismiss it as ā€œanother one of Godā€™s great mistakesā€. That usually shuts them up and gets them to think a bit.

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What about ā€œtelevisionā€ and ā€œautomobileā€?


Those are greek-latin hybrids. If it were a Greek word, it would be telerama.


ā€¦That sounds incredibly fifties. However as I do not know greek, I will take your word on it.

Iā€™m still going to be amused.

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I meant to illustrate that, in addition to octopi, there are other very common words which are monstrous hybrids of Greek and Latin.


Indeed. When the Apollo program was going on, I heard NASA people taking about the ā€˜apoluneā€™ and ā€˜periluneā€™ of an orbit. (Iā€™m not sure what would be better there: apocynthion? aposeleneion?)


I feel like Iā€™ve read your post before. Hmmm. Itā€™s like a substitution cipher or something.

sed ā€˜s/christian/unamurkin mooslim/.ā€™

OK, pretty close. Not quite thoughā€¦

sed ā€˜s/christian/Palestinian/.ā€™

Oh, there it is!


You mean to tell me people donā€™t constantly ask moderate Muslims to speak out against Islamicists?
Nor Palestinians to speak out against their gangster-like leadership?

Thank you for pointing out the premise works well for all three. It is the duty of moderates of a given group to speak out against their more loudmouth extremists lest people consider them all alike.