Pastor Jonathan Shelley shows up at Texas city council to say gay people should be executed (video)

Originally published at: Pastor Jonathan Shelley shows up at Texas city council to say gay people should be executed (video) | Boing Boing


Sigh… this country has an serious yeeyeehadist problem.


I don’t care if it “looks political”, it’s far past time for the IRS to investigate and revoke the tax-exempt status of thousands of these hate-filled Jesus grifters.


Christ: What an asshole.


We’re no where near that reality, but for the first time in my life I am beginning to see murmurs. Hopefully it turns into a groundswell. We’ll see.


Just be aware, he’s right about Lawrence and the laws on sodomy. If the Supreme Court overturns Lawrence, being gay will result in the death penalty in many southern states. Keep an eye on that. It’s not a joke, and it’s a lot closer than people think since most of these southern states carry statutory death penalty or life imprisonments for sodomy and have kept these laws ON THE BOOKS.


Fuck this guy.


::gavel gavel:: “Please be respectful.”

That he’s speaking to the crowd and not the guy advocating for genocide is absurd.


That sounds like an actionable terroristic threat that the DOJ should investigate.

Also - you’re welcome to try asshole.


Yeah its political. He’s a terrorist. He wants to commit genocide using our government as the instrument. So what?


Don’t these people ever have the urge to read another book for a change? When you resent and hate the world as much as he does, maybe it really isn’t the ‘good book’?


“I don’t understand why we celebrate what used to be a crime not long ago. God has already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment.”

Okay, let’s start the executions with adulterers in the Republican Party?



I wonder if he was one of the pastors who was accused of sexual misconduct by the investigation spearheaded by the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention?

No states in the south prior to Lawrence had the death penalty for gay sex in the post war era. This isn’t fucking Saudi Arabia… Not to mention that many states (if not ALL states) had sodomy laws that were unevenly applied against the LGBQT+ community. But it was not just in the south, no. And the south would not be the only place to re-ban gay marriage and repass sodomy laws.

People REALLY need to stop with this mindset that southerners are the only bigots in America. It is not the case, it was never the case, and it only serves to ignore the many people who live here who are not bigots. Let’s not forget that the south is home to one of the most progressive movements in American history, and some of the most radical movements in American history. In the case of gay rights, Dade county in FL (yes THAT Dade county) was one of the places that passed anti-bigotry statues to protect gay people. In ATL, we had an active gay pride movement, that included an openly gay man on the seat of the civil rights commission under Mayor Maynard Jackson. We had/have one of the largest gay communities in the south, in fact, one that has been active and vocal in city politics since the late 60s.




The last state to remove capital punishment from the books was South Carolina in 1873.

It was brought over to the English colonies from the beginning- including Massachusetts and Pennsylvania if memory serves.


Dear Jonathan Shelley,

Was Salvador Ramos one of your disciples and did he learn this behavior from you?


“I don’t understand why we celebrate what used to be a crime not long ago. God has already ruled that murder, adultery , witchcraft, rape, bestiality and homosexuality are crimes worthy of capital punishment.”

Okay, let’s start the executions with adulterers in the Republican Party?

And the homosexuals and the rapists…dunno of any bestiality fans but given how these fokkers rail about the practice, I wouldn’t be surprised. Oh, and isn’t it nice that pedophelia, one of their favorite talking points, is not on this list? So carry on, fellas.


There should be a niche erectile dysfunction pill aimed specifically at mens who just cannot for some reason get their execution on. Poor lads.

That is to say, that if the concept of ‘sin’ is representative of the most wicket and awful deeds one can commit, these motherfuckers are among the worst offenders. In terms of persecuting and shaming the innocent, inflicting pain and suffering upon what is basic human nature, all while pushing the limits of hypocrisy. Fuck that guy.


No thanks, Being gay doesn’t equate with bestiality. While the speaker appears to be a primate I have my doubts.
I wonder how long I’d last if I stood up and announced that I’m gay and asked him what the procedure for my execution would require. I’m sure he would weasel out of his christian duty and claim the state had to do it. On the other hand I wouldn’t expect to make it back home alive. Some of the faithful in the crowd would probably claim the stand your ground BS and shoot me in the parking lot or maybe give me their phone number.