Barack Obama asked about UFOs: can't confirm but won't deny

Maybe Barack can’t talk about UFO because he’s not a deep enough fan of UFO. He can only confirm that he was told something about them. He instead prefers Can.

He even says so in his slogan. People just kept forgetting to capitalize the “C” in “Yes we Can”.


Never certainly, sir… unfortunately. From 30+ years experience and knowledge, I can tell you that perhaps as many aerospace experimental flyables (military or not) die a “nice idea but it just didn’t work out” death as those that make it to some prototype stage. And there have been many programs (and still are) that result in unique or few air/spaceframes meant strictly to gather data on new flight environments and to test out new technologies. (Think experimental winglets on “boilerplate” aircraft, for example; or the three X-15 craft built purely for data gathering.) Experimental military craft are more likely than not to exhibit performance (and appearance) unusual to the uninitiated – whether laymen or even commercial pilots. That’s the thing about the “experimental military aircraft”: they are the most likely candidates for UFO-hood, hence the classification when asked about yet another confusing thing in the sky.


It is highly likely that there is life, even intelligent life, elsewhere in the universe. It is also exceedingly unlikely that any of that life has happened to visit our neck of the woods…or ever will.

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It might be biology, not physics…maybe not all lives burn out in 80 years :slight_smile: Not that I think we have “been visited”, I just think the possibility exists that we will be…Von Neumann probes maybe the most likely, perhaps? Breakthrough starshot is pretty close to that concept with a greater than zero chance of making it happen

We are talking about a guy who eats steaks with ketchup. He totally would eat astronaut ice cream by the scoop.

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Years of listening to snippets of Coast to Coast AM on the way home from an after-hours job taught me that nutbars gonna nutbar whether or not former presidents crack jokes on late night television.


seems legit

No, Astronauts get ice cream by the brick. 45 expects a scoop of astronaut ice cream, and it’s just easier for everyone if you just give him a scoop of ice cream and tell him it’s what the astronauts eat.

For that matter, it was easier to rig up some special signage, and just show him a theme park, than to actually bring him to groom lake.


I agree that ET has not buzzed us the way cultists claim…

But I’m also pretty sure that -given our history - humans are in a very weak position to claim “intelligence” for ourselves, in a galactically significant way. We can barely keep control of our nuclear materials, our space junk, or our sniffles. We probably register more as an infectious hazard, than as a neighbor worth chatting with.

Give it ten thousand years or so, we’ll either grow the fuck up, or leave behind some amusing archealogical evidence.


That attitude is why people die from outbreaks of preventable diseases. Why we have antivaxxers and why we all pay to have health insurance cover chiropractors and acupuncture. Why people think the earth is flat and climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Irrationality cannot be eliminated, but the way you combat it is to marginalize and deplatform it. If you don’t, it grows and eventually we get more Trump voters. This stuff does matter.

Well, that’s mighty presumptuous. Your opinion is based on research, but mine isn’t?


That’s a good response. It goes for so many things. This world is drowning in misinformation.


Exactly- you can “research” and support any position you want in this world. The trick is learning to distinguish the quality of information sources. That’s something that most people are not good at, because our nature is to seek confirmation of beliefs we wish to hang on to.


Have you read “Thinking Fast and Slow?” Great book. If you haven’t, I think you would enjoy it.


I wanted to read thier version of this story, but “The Jerusalem Post was unable to reach out to this supposed Galactic Federation for comment.”


I have easily faked images of unidentifiable flying objects (throw stuff in the air), aquatic monsters and other cryptozoics, alien rays (lens flare does that), crunched stuff that looks like crashed UFOs, etc, all with no higher technology than a cheap analog camcorder, with no shooping beyond contrast enhancement.

People want to believe this crap, same as faith in angels / demons / deities, ancestral spirits (they’re easily faked too), talking horses, and honest GOPs. Sad.


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