BBC picks greatest films of the 21st century

I’m not a scholar on the subject, but would feminism even need to exist if men didn’t exist? Kind of a chicken and egg thing.

Personally, I have felt pressure to label myself as a feminist as I watch other men be patted on the back for declaring themselves a feminist. A popular movement can absolutely drive up the appreciation of anything vaguely associated with the movement, regardless of whether the appreciation is warranted on any other level.

It’s about women’s equality… but what do I know.

I honestly don’t care if you call yourself a feminist, just don’t be a dick! :wink:


Your assessment is incorrect. My wife is a therapist, (LCSW) and I’ve certainly had depression issues. We both found her an unsympathetic, and uninteresting, character. There’s been plenty of movies with depressed protagonists that I liked. Sideways for example. Or even Sunset Blvd.

Sorry Mindysan, call em as I see em.

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So why call her a bimbo? Instead of an unsympathetic and uninteresting character (which is certainly a fair assessment and POV about the character)? I don’t care if you like or dislike the movie, I just wish you wouldn’t use gendered language to describe what you dislike.


Did I say something dickish?

Not at all! I was just making a general (and jokey) comment about whether or not you call yourself a feminist. I don’t really care if people are on board with being labeled a feminist, I care more about their actions in the world. Someone may not consider themselves a feminist, but they might also treat women as equals and with respect…

So yeah… I didn’t mean to imply you were dickish, just trying to jokingly quote Wil Wheaton… Apparently I failed… Sorry.


Well, you did put the smiley… I think it’s a good example of the difficulties communicating like this. Have a good one Mindysan!

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Any particular title you recommend?

The internet is indeed an imperfect medium of communication!

You have a great one, too!

I’ve seen Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, and Tokyo Godfather… the series Paranoia Agent is great, too, if super weird (the soundtrack is outstanding). I’ve yet to see Paprika, but it’s gotten rave reviews…

Perfect Blue came out in 1997, but the rest are all in the 21st century.


That’s the one I was going to mention. I’ve only seen that and Perfect Blue (which wouldn’t be applicable for this list).


Tokyo Godfathers is great, though not a visually striking as Millennium Actress. It’s a sweet story.

Was Paprika good?

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Yeah, I liked it. Very odd, but I enjoyed it.

I think it was @miasm that recommended it when I was asking about anime a while back.


My own opinions
Amelie should be higher.
City of Lost Children
Very Long Engagement
The Fall


I was going to suggest that. A beautiful film, at any rate.

Jean-Pierre Jeunet fan? (the best) Two of those aren’t 21st century. Have you seen Micmacs or The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet?

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I get your points. But thinking them through my head has made me appreciate the movie even more lol!

Mark me off for poor reading comprehension. Micmacs Blu-ray is right in front of me as I write this. I will see about acquiring “Spivet” this afternoon. I can say that I am a huge Jeunet fan, also Kurosawa and Miyazaki. My kids are Miyazaki superfans. My oldest actually suggested Princess Mononoke for family movie night last weekend. But grandma is with us right now, and we only have the Japanese version. My daughter even has the Totoro animated cuckoo clock in her room.

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According to far too many critics, that’s the sole reason Bullitt is one of the best movies ever.

@tachin1: Glaring missing entry on this list? 13 Assassins.

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Quoted for truth.

I was surprised I didn’t see any Miike on here. But Audition was (looks it up), 1999. Ichi the Killer?

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Was Moon on there?

Fury Road… Erm, let’s go over there… on second thoughts, let’s go back. Fluff story out with special effects and terrible plumbing.