Be a dapper zapper with the ZapCane

I recommend a good bent hickory cane like the ones House Handle sells. Put a rubber crutch tip on it.

Hickory wood is the real reason white people stole America from the Indians, you know.

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Yes! I don’t think this cane would help in rough neighborhoods, but it seems perfect for chastising whippersnappers and other feckless young!

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@jlw Nemo would, I’m sure, want you to know about the makila, a traditional Basque walking stick (with a shiv in the handle).



Hmn, I wonder if you’d have to regrind the tip of that spike all the time. On surfaces like asphalt or stones that might take damage in virtually no time.

I get it now, the really pointy bit is not for touching the ground. Very good then.

That’s what they think! Most of the “white people” are the Indians now, they just don’t know it.

Where can you run to?
Where can you hide?
When that stubborn Indian
Is on the inside?

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Sounds like a Ray Bradbury story.

Also, it would be awesome to have a cane that blows bubbles - to entertain kids or distract people you find annoying. (Who can sometimes be the same thing.)


Take my money! Take it!


Pretty sure thats how you get on a list.


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