Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/04/be-cousin-itt-for-halloween-wi.html
I had planned to go see it with my currently long hair untied, wearing a bowler and sunglasses. (It’s the third time I’ve been growing my hair out for charity, and I could wait until a Halloween showing.)
However, I just learned that France doesn’t get the movie until December 4th. I ain’t waiting that long. Most of Europe will be able to see it before.
You could put on a bandolier and a bowcaster and be a hippy revolutionary wookie who doesn’t groom itself.
That looks hot…
…no, not sexy - like wearing it would be really uncomfortable. I’d be schvitzing after five minutes.
Came hoping for something like this. Was not disappointed.
Well, okay.
I thought it was a ZZ Top costume.
(Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
I’m glad I swung by this thread one last time before closing the tab to see this wonderful pun.
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