Bernie Sanders announces 2020 presidential campaign

Except he’s not a Democrat.

Other than the boing boing post to the survey. And the common dreams article. And I said women of color.

Your filter bubble must be more socialist-oriented than mine.

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I think he’s in one of the best positions to actually put forth a platform that includes race as a factor in economic oppression. That’s why I’m so hard on him… because he could and it would be really nice if he would. Especially if he actually ends up getting the nomination. Even better would be then following up on it.


I am in Berlin and follow the Jacobin on twitter, but it’s weird.

Argue semantics if you like; you still overgeneralized and you still deigned to speak on behalf of people who are not you.


I’ll also say, that any candidate who didn’t start their campaign by saying “I’m going to get those kids out of those cages” five times in a row, and then later calling the reporters in their homes that night to say “I’m going to get those kids out of those cages”, really missed a chance to be strongest candidate of the primary.

Trump started by holding on to one super direct racist statement, and pounded on it so hard that people ignored that he was a bankrupt in softcore porn. Every one of these candidates needs to have a one sentence hammer that actually matters to people, that they lean on to the point of breaking, or they’ll have a lot of people agreeing they’re generally good people, who then spend two hours talking about Trump.


Can you quote an example from this thread?

same search with routed to the US with

Like I said, the Bros characterisation is only meaningful if we are talking about people with a strong preference for Bernie over other candidates, and Hillary in particular. Otherwise it’s just dominated by whatever groups prefer Democrats. Any democrat (or democrat aligned) is going to have higher favourability amongst black votes than white voters because about half of white voters are republicans.

In terms of being confused and unsure what they are being asked to defend, my answer is that they are being asked to defend their own attitudes.

I get one from jacobin and a bunch of things more like

I don’t get a good list on my phone to post. Screen too small to do without scrolling. I used your same search terms.


More like since the beginning. There were challenges to racist laws that started to be enacted from the early 18th century to this very day. LBJ was part of that, but he most certainly did not start that.


282 comments already! Wow. Obviously we’re headed for a pretty crazy campaign season, so it’s probably best if I remind you wonderful internet people of this now, before things get too fevered:

Only my candidate can or should win the nomination, and only my candidate can or should be elected over Trump. Anyone who fails to wholeheartedly endorse my candidate is at best a nihilist or useful idiot, and more likely a knowing traitor to all that is good in the world.

Now, in fairness, I should point out that I’m still not entirely sure which candidate is my favorite. But when I do decide, you fuckers are on notice!

ETA: cheerful satire, I love you fuckers


There is, you know, a vast difference between DNC wanting Clinton (a longtime party member who’d done a lot of work supporting the party and its candidates over the year) over Sanders (an independent who ran as a Democrat because that was the only way he could get anywhere in the election) on one hand, and “DNC and superdelegates ignoring the primary results to give candidacy to a billionaire douchebag who’s never been a Democrat, isn’t running as one now, and whom nobody likes or wants” on the other.

Again: if you think the Dems are going to make Schultz their candidate somehow, I’ve got a lot of interesting real estate on low-lying Pacific atolls to sell to you.


If he wants to be President of the United States, it doesn’t matter if he has good spokespeople that can parse his almost-statements in a favorable way, because they have secret knowledge that he’s ultimately committed.

When Obama made his first big public speeches, people understood he was serious. He won people over.

When Trump said racist things, people believed him. And racists rallied behind him.

This isn’t about if a policy is good or if he’s actually good. Best item on a lacklustre menu is how you get Al Gore campaigns.


I don’t see a principled distinction in your point about her already having the job. The main point about Bernie’s age that many seem to be making is that his mental faculties may diminish. This could be true for RGB as well. If you don’t like Bernie, fine. But ageist sentiments are just that.




Thanks but I’d really prefer you specifically name these younger, equally progressive Democrats. You made a specific claim, and it’s fair to ask you to elaborate on it. Please do not change the subject. Own your beliefs.

If you sincerely think that a candidate other than Bernie in the primary has better policy positions, I agree you should “vote your conscience”.

Voting for someone who holds bad beliefs out of some galaxy brained electoral calculus in a primary is the opposite of voting your conscience.


Fair enough. Within the democratic party a support of Sanders over Clinton was more likely to be white, more likely to be male and more likely to be young. My complaints about the demographic analysis of Sanders support are that: 1) When people are given two choices you can’t extrapolate that because they chose A they dislike B (Obama beat Clinton with black primary voters); 2) I generally find demographic analysis of voting patterns to be an ugly mess that people get wrong to make broad generalizations about race, gender, etc (the media broadly doesn’t understand statistics).