Bernie Sanders concedes Democratic race, endorses Hillary Clinton

As am I. And if you don’t want Trump, I most certainly hope more people do the same. Because staying home and pouting is how we get Trump.


Nope. You nailed it.


Pssssh. And you said you weren’t informed.

Judging by her voting record, yes, I think your assessment is accurate. What remains to be seen is whether she’ll twist the ears of any and every sexist Washington politician and make her best effort to instill gender equality within the political culture there. That alone would be a great legacy.

Also: as hawkish as her voting record is, she strikes me as a hardball negotiator who, once in command, would eschew any visible military interventions in favor of scaling up the totally-not-at-war-honestly drone assassination program. In short: Obama, but with much more guile.


Blue-Ringed Octopus and Redback fell out in early voting, sadly.


Valuing fear over morals is how we get more Clinton.


Bah. I reject the appeal to fear. Fear is the same product Trump is selling “Staying home and pouting is how we get IMMIGRANTS SATANISTS SOCIALISTS TEH GHEY BATHROOMS BENGHAZI.

Hillary is a good politician, and she’ll make a good leader. She’s not uncompromised, but if you’re looking to elect the second coming of Che or something, you need to look to your local senators and representatives, not the president, not this year. Bernie’s around. Warren’s around. Let’s give them some folks they can work with to keep Hillary more honest and moral then she otherwise might be inclined to be. We can make her presidency more progressive than Obama’s if we want.

Bernie was never going to do this alone, anyway.


I’m not voting Clinton because I’m afraid. I’m voting Clinton because I support her. I have a choice to support her or not, and I choose to. I agree with @Daedalus that she’s a good choice who’ll make a good leader. She’s massively qualified, extremely experienced, and strong. I’m hoping that Bernie’s call for his followers to support her doesn’t go unheeded.



Fear is the deepest of human emotions,


He forced Hillary to a more progressive manifesto—and hopefully convinced her for good that the smarmy centrism that comes naturally to mainstream Democrats is cooked.

That’s so quaint a belief. She moved to a slightly more progressive “manifesto” (?) for the primary when she found that the “sure thing” election they were waiting for was a lot tighter than they expected. She will pivot, as candidates inevitably do in August, back to her default campaign mode of centrism and corporatism.

Quick poll: how many candidates running for national elected office this year have served on the Walmart board and still maintain close ties to the Waltons?


Well, there’s always Cone Snail.


I feel pretty strongly that the main reason we have Hilary as the D-candidate is because having the wife of a former president who has also been senator, secretary of state, etc, is the only female candidate people would consider voting for.

If you mean that she won the primaries because of her name recognition and lifetime of experience, well, yes, I agree. She’s extremely well known and has a very impressive resume. I think that if Condoleezza Rice had run for president right after being Secretary of State, she could have had a very good shot at the Republican nomination.


“she must become our next president.”

Yes, all sane Americans agree.


Yet you were able to devalue the hopes of Bernie supporters by stating they are just being pouty, and stated being pouty will unleash the feared monster.

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Yes, so “strong.” I wonder how many other countries’ leaders assassinations and sodomizing-in-the-streets she’ll cause and openly celebrate.


I may have missed something, but I don’t recall Hillary celebrating people being sodomized in the streets. Where was this, and when?

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To be clear: no. I wasn’t saying that all Bernie supporters are ‘being pouty’. I’m saying that I hope people go out and vote their conscience on voting day. If that means voting third party, that’s at least doing something. It’s being proactive. I would rather people be proactive that just refuse to participate in the process because their ideal outcome didn’t occur. Because when people of either side stay home and refuse to take part, the other side has more opportunity to take advantage.


“stabbed in the rear with a bayonet” is quite the euphemism.

I wonder too how many more coups of democratically elected leaders she’ll support.


I don’t think so as evidenced by the fact that Obama pushed through universal healthcare as fast as he could before he lost the supermajority. Had there been the votes for single payer, I have no doubts that is the way it would have went, but there were at the time too many blue dog Democrats to get single payer passed and after trying to get universal healthcare passed for over 30 years, compromise was the word of the year.

I think that if Obama truly had a legislature that looked like him, he’d run center-left. No government is going to actually be truly progressive. True progressive politics require far too rapid of changes for the country’s electorate to handle without a loud minority complaining about it and scaring politicians.

You barely see true progressive legislatures at the city level.