Bernie Sanders drops out

You forgot about Klobuchar, which since she’s probably the last person most would like, means she’ll probably be the pick. :crying_cat_face:


Ah, no. It was the same call she made in 2016. If she picks Bernie, she loses party support. If she picks Biden, she betrays her core values. Picking either one of them is a lose for her, it’s better to pick NO ONE and wait until the race shakes out to endorse the winner. I’d much rather MORE people did this rather than showing their bias early in races to at least give a perception of fairness to the primary race.


The last 2 Democratic presidents were centrists… :woman_shrugging:




Your theory would suggest that history is an ever-escalating series of exponentially more extreme circumstances brought about by the previous failures of “change”. This isn’t what we see, however.

I’m afraid we have some divergent ideas about our recent history if you believe the Tea Party “didn’t work.” The Tea Party didn’t fail, it was absorbed into the fabric of the GOP. The GOP is advancing the same agenda it has for more than a generation–crony capitalism, demonizing minorities, gutting government regulation that protects the weak or cuts into profits, none of this is new territory.


Do you think I’m deluding myself that the SC is on the brink of effectively overturning Roe, and Biden and Trump would appoint fundamentally different Justices during the next four years? Or do you just not believe the SC matters?


sigh, 2-3 years of "folks folks folks folks folks folks folks folks " until he gets too obviously senile and slow reacting and they have to finally retire him for whomever the VP is so the VP can run for re-election

don’t get me wrong, still better than current nightmare but remember those 45% of voters are perfectly willing and able to get behind the next worst nightmare in 4 years

and imagine getting the country out of THIS ditch, I mean wow is 4 years even enough time without the senate? highly doubt it


Maybe she could finagle all of that, and I see the value of putting Markey and Kennedy in separate rooms, but that leaves Warren facing complete ejection from politics with the best case scenario being a warm bucket of spit.

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I guess it’s kind of the same difference, i.e. getting people in the booths for Biden, but it’s whether they’re excited to vote, period.

The real point of any campaign is to keep that top number as high as possible.


Never Read the Comments, I Read the Comments - Star Trek, Kirk


I can see the point of the policy- to get proper cost control you need as any people in the public system as possible, and having everyone eligible for the same programme makes it more secure politically (see social security). However, the optics of stopping private insurance are bad- and totally unnecessary. Let’s face it, the reason that the Republicans fought so hard against the public option in the first place was because once it is in place, companies are going to have a huge incentive to cut back on the expense and administration of private health insurance, and will move their employees to the public option to save money. A public option becomes a mandate without having to take the bad press for forcing the issue.


Who ran as liberals, we must remember. (People will argue about Clinton, but remember that he was running on Universal Healthcare, the way that Obama ran on ending the war in Iraq.)


I don’t see what he gets from her in the election at all.

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I love having her as my senator, so I’m just as happy she stay, but the best case scenario would be setting her up as the presumptive nominee after a one-term Biden presidency.

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same here for different reasons. the bright side might be that at least in PA you get some influence in the general election.

a popular vote system would get so many more people to vote. same day primaries, or at least a few consolidated sets, would likewise be such a boon

i’m going to cast my primary vote for warren now. it took me a bit to warm to her, but she honestly was the most capable person up there


Biden is not a good choice. Trump will win if he runs against him.


Possible! I’m worried about that!

Yep, I’m going to continue to discuss and highlight how Biden is a shitty Presidential candidate and how the Democrats have devolved into a party offering mealy-mouthed platitudes half-measures to marginalized groups while they lick the boots of the rich and powerful, and why they need to work their asses off to earn my vote just like anybody else.

GarbageApe was right that y’all would be begging for progressives to shut the fuck up and get in line in November.

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The last 2 Democratic presidents were Center-Right. The Rs have shifted the dialogue so far to the right that they the last 2 dem presidents seemed centrist.

The Democratic Party on a national level still think they’re campaigning in 1994. The world is much different now as is America.


Biden is an AWFUL candidate. More of the same. It’s like they WANT Trump to win.


I supported Warren. Then I supported Bernie. Now I support Joe. We are currently getting killed by a conman. We need competent government.