Biden ad highlights Trump's disastrous mismanagement of coronavirus epidemic

choose your groper.

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I’m a Bernie guy. I agree its very possible that Biden is a feeble old man who will do jack to change anything, and believe despite Bernie being old, he has actual energy to get shit done.

If I get a chance to even vote in PA now, Im voting for Bernie.

But as a Bernie supporter- I can tell you even if its potted plant or dog diarrhea, I’d vote for it before Trump or any Republican for the rest of my life.

If Biden wins the nomination, even if its by shitty means because of this outbreak, Ill vote for Biden. I want that lying sack of chickenshit out of my Whitehouse.

And this ad- I’ll give Biden credit- if you gotta go low- use your opponent’s own not out of context words against him. Trump is an easy dumpster fire to throw gasoline soaked dogshit into. This ad is exactly what needs to be on the air right now- not to elect a Democrat- but to show the US what this shitstain is actually saying day to day and how he’s lying while people are dying


I guess we forget that he said all sorts of stupid things leading up to his own election, and that they were featured prominently in ads very much like this one.
His people DO NOT CARE.

Vote blue, no matter who.
Because his people will vote red, no matter who’s dead.


Sadly it won’t be just New York by November. I mean that may be good for a chance to get someone with at least a baseline level of competence in charge again, but it is otherwise going to be pretty bad in general.

Or maybe I’m wrong and more rural areas of the country will be better at lowering contact rates, but they really don’t have much in the way of hospital beds…or in a lot of places hospitals. I have relatives in rural PA and I really worry about them. Not because they (rural areas of the US) are more unprepared, they aren’t. They are differently unprepared from urban areas.

I don’t want this to be an effective ad because I really want this whole thing to be managed out of existence. A vaccine to be developed in record time, or some other miracle to happen. I just don’t have a lot of hope.


The good news for people in rural areas is that even if they’re less prepared for what is coming, pandemics spread slower through less densely populated areas.


A lot of these exponential growth curves mimic the income inequality curves.

2 Trill passed to please the plebes. Guess what? Us %99 want more.


Yes, I do think you are definitely misinformed about that. If voters actually thought Biden was electable then he would have done well in Iowa & NH, instead of finishing in a distant 5th and 4th. Now why do I say that? Because those were the two states where voters actually had exposure to the candidates for a considerable amount of time, and there were a lot of Biden supporters who checked him out and said this guy is unelectable.

The only ones who have been saying Biden is the most electable this entire time are the pundits on msnbc & cnn, who were saying the same thing about Clinton in 2016 if they were there at the time, or like I said, they are part of the mass of “never-Trump” Republicans that have been hired since 2016 to brainwash susceptible and low-info voters who think that they are all on the same team because they think Don the Con is a bad guy. You think David Frum & Jennifer Rubin are upset about Trump packing the courts with hardcore Fed Society right-wing judges? Or that they are upset with his Middle East policy? Particularly the pro-Zionist policies that would have been thought a fantasy in the past? You think they really dislike Trumps policies? No, they just vocally opposed him and got shut out of the club so they had to find some way to keep making 6 figures. Does the average liberal voter know that these people masquerading as democrats are actually hard-right neoconservatives? Probably not. But these are the people who have been on the idiot box since April or May cheering Biden on and saying he’s the only one. The propaganda went into maximum overdrive before Nevada and then turned on the turbothrusters after Sanders won that handily, not just paid advertising but all of the liberal and centrist media did its part too claiming that Sanders was unelectable, meanwhile continuing to prop up Biden, when there was 0 evidence that he had any support, but still they kept saying, “wait for S.C.” So smear campaigns can still work.

But no, you’re misinformed about the progressives going over and voting for Biden IF he is the nominee. Maybe you didn’t read my whole comment but that was what it was all about.

There isn’t any guarantee that he is going to be the nominee either. This is going to expose the private healthcare system for being the sham that it is, and we might discover in the next month or two that many of those millions of people that Joe Baggage kept telling us about who love their employer sponsored health insurance might not actually love it so much when they realize it disappears with the job.

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I wish people like you would go argue with my friends who says that it’s totally obvious that Biden is the most electable and the best candidate and that Sanders is a clear trap and his supporters don’t really exist, instead of both of you yelling at me.


True, but we also need to keep in mind that everyone seems to be paying attention to the total numbers per state rather than per-capita rates of illness and death, which can definitely give people the wrong impression on how much risk their own community is facing.

Example: California is widely described as one of the epicenters of the epidemic in the U.S., which is true enough, but as of yesterday there had been 53 Covid-19 deaths in the state, or about 1.3 per million in the population. That’s pretty close to the same rate as Wisconsin, which lost 7 people as of yesterday, or about 1.2 deaths per million. Indiana is higher at 2.2 per million and Colorado was more than double California at 3.3 deaths per million.

Some of the small-state governors have been congratulating themselves on their low numbers, but that’s not really something to brag about at this point. Both because they’re not that much better than the numbers in larger states on a per-capita basis, and also obviously because these numbers are changing rapidly and will continue to go up everywhere.


What I don’t understand is the disconnect between Donny’s continual 90%+ approval rate among Republicans and the assumption there is still a majority of sane Americans left in this country.

Every Republican I know is very either fed up with his bullshit or at least moderately disappointed in his performance. Granted, I don’t run with any truly whacko Trump-humpers but I have to believe there are some moderate Republicans left who will hold their nose and vote for Biden (or at least not vote at all).


Maybe he is not on TV everyday talking about that because none of that is a sure thing?

This isn’t really the chart to get Trump with. It’s literally the same story everywhere in the world right now.

The sad part is that a lot of people (not just Trump supporters) are stuck in short term thinking. Many of those unemployed folks are probably WAY more worried about how they are going to make rent and feed their families than they are about hospitals getting overwhelmed by Covid-19 patients. That is who Trump is speaking to right now unfortunately and the Biden ad misses those people. Trump is surging in opinion polls* and it’s pretty clear why.

The short term pain is for long term benefit - who knows what kind of lasting damage a pandemic that kills a couple hundred thousand (or upwards of a million) in the US is going to have? And this is the issue - keep your populace uneducated and ignorant, dependent on crappy wage jobs and they

  1. Won’t embrace the science behind stopping the pandemic
  2. Won’t be happy that they are bearing the economic brunt of this.

*I was here last week saying it was just two data points, but it definitely looks like a trend now.

ETA - Trump’s polling numbers have improved, but the Republicans haven’t made up any ground in the generic ballot. To me this says it could also be a “rally round the president” type effect that isn’t guaranteed to last very long. People thought Carter was handling the Iran hostage crisis well at the start…


Those figures make me wonder about the polls (and pollsters). Political strategists targeting voters who value popularity could generate manipulated figures and ensure they become headline news. I’d be more interested in polls that break down what matters to voters so that issues gain more attention.


It’s nice to see the era of, “When they go low, we go high” (and losing), coming to an end.

Positive messages are great for the base, but if the goal is to get people off the fence, or to cross over, the message, “I’m doing a great job” needs a stronger reply than, “I’ll do an even better job.” Nice to see this direction.


That graph is horrifying.


How bad does it have to get to have people realize how badly the US F’d up the response?

Much worse.


I, on the other hand, dislike the moderate Democrats, but I fucking loath, nay actively hate the goddam republicans.


It is, it really is. As is every other graph and chart that represents how Republicans are thinking about things these days. I don’t know how this country has a future with a sizable percentage of the population inhabiting an alternate reality.


Well … Biden and Trump are both rapists. So there’s that.
You know who isn’t, nor ever been accused of such? Bernie.

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So we’re in agreement that a Biden nomination, while not the outcome many of us hoped for, is not likely to cost the Democrats the election by alienating the Bernie supporters?