New Trump campaign ad explicitly stands up for conspiracy theorists

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So I watched the clip. Did you know the implications of banning Qanon from FB? Next thing you know the radical Biden leftists are going to want to ban COMEDIANS! And ART!

Hahaha. Hey, right-wing, we got all the comedians over here! And all the artists! You guys don’t give a shit for either of those, why are you making it part of your scare tactics?


Seems like a very effective ad to me, considering the target audience is comprised of utter morons.


Political ads have always had a degree of hyperbole - but this is so fucking far removed from reality.


this comes to mind


In 2008 they told us that Obama was a communist and a “secret Muslim” who would tank the economy, allow 9/11-sized terrorist attacks every month, and take everyone’s guns.

None of that happened.


Yeah, they lost me with the conflation of Joe Biden and the Radical Left."
Well, maybe they lost me before I started watching.


Seems like an awful lot of reading involved for an ad targeting the right.


Yeah, shows the complete lack of understanding about the political leanings of most artists, musicians, comedians, etc, if the dTrumph cultists think that the (alleged) leftist Democrats and their leader would want to ‘cancel’ the majority of their supporters!
I say alleged, because by the standards of most left-leaning political parties the Democrats seem to be pretty Centrist.
Although, compared to the GOP, that does make them practically Stalinists!
I could be wrong here, though…


Trump: if you elect biden it’ll be bad. There’ll be riots and angry people!
/shows footage of riots and angry people during his own admin/
Trump: see?! It’ll be so bad when someone else is elected and not me.


I am seeing the whole range of off the wall accusations via trump ads in my Pennsylvania adjacent home - we get PA tv stations and ads here.

I’m seeing the full litany of Biden will destroy the world, only trump can save us. Chock full of trump trigger terms - he just has to make sure we know Biden is “weak”.

You really have to be fucking stupid to buy any of this.


This ad is obviously a false flag operation by the radical left to make Trump supporters look like utter morans morons.

Wake up!


Man, the Trump campaign only has one mode: bludgeon. There used to be a real art to fear mongering and panic creating, and it involved a little more subtlety. Uncle Ronnie was far better at ginning up white racist fears while sounding like a kind, gentle man who would hold you softly and protect you from those evil people. This ad just… hits you over the head with a brick and leaves it up to you whether or not you’ll get over the concussion in time to get to the polls.


While paper goods and disinfectant have been in short supply, stupidity remains at bumper crop levels


Watched any Lincoln Project ads?
As for historic subtlety, the Willie Horton prison revolving doors come to mind.

The Biden hitlist seems pretty short, actually, insofar as these creators needed to run through it three times. Couldn’t they have used a thesaurus?


It seems to me they wrote a hit-list for Sanders, but ended up with Biden - so they’ll use the same hit list anyway.

You could see at the (so called) debate - trump thinks he can split us by getting Biden to refute progressive positions. He really doesn’t get it - we already know Biden doesn’t serve us, but we are going kick your ass anyway.


But isn’t that because all of the right-wing artists and comedians have already been cancelled? /s

Wow. I was hesitant to actually watch because this stuff usually makes my blood boil and has me spinning responses and rebuttals in my head all day. But this was was just dumb enough to be only entertaining. Lightning? A spooky analogue television AT AN ANGLE!!?!? Literally saying “they will cancel the conspiracists?”

ON the other hand, that protest footage is pretty ambiguous. Are those the patriots fighting back against being cancelled? Or the cancellistas nefariously enacting their cancellation of…federal, state and municipal officers…?

so silly.


Cancel Culture!

Let them ban QAnon, and the next thing you know, people will be trying remove books from the libraries, like The Wizard of Oz, and The Golden Compass, and Captain Underpants, and The Hunger Games, and The Catcher in the Rye, and Two Boys Kissing, and Origin of the Species, and Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret, and A Handmaid’s Tale, and…

hey… wait a minute… :thinking:


Has anyone thought to check to see if MAGA hats are lined with tin foil?


The radical left wants to cancel Art and Music? Holy shit! There won’t be any left, because conservatives don’t make any of either