Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/10/trump-blames-obama-and-biden-f.html
A life lived by non sequiturs is the only life.
I have a sense of who he might think these “great marks” are.
What a putz. They were Nobles, bruh.
He’s tweeting this stuff to people whose reaction will by definition be “yeah! He’s RIGHT!”.
I don’t know how many times this can be said in different ways, but the counterpoint is not “just listen to what Turmp says and hear how wrong it is”. The counterpoint is “do not listen to what Turmp says, period”.
If you’re a Turmp supporter, don’t listen to him because you will just be adding one more degrading, idiotic thing you have to pretend to agree with. And if you’re a valid person, you’re rubbing your own face in dog shit you already knew about.
Every fucking day, he proves again that he is not simply a terrible president, but more importantly, that he is a terrible human being. If what he says makes perfect sense to you, you’re also terrible.
The message says “ Compare that to the Obama/Sleepy Joe disaster known as H1N1 Swine Flu”. not Covid. In a 2009 Senate Hearing during Obama-Biden’s term, testimony said “ Nationally, I am told that over 500 public health lab staff out of a total workforce of 6,500 have been laid off in the past year. That includes approximately 10,000 State and local public health positions in the United States that have been lost due to budget cuts and other factors.”. So rum is more right than wrong on this one
When are the Fake Journalists, who received unwarranted Pulitzer Prizes
I’d give Jack Dorsey a Pulitzer if he’d just ban Trump from twitter. This crap has gone on long enough.
Senator Dodd also said this:
As of this morning, the CDC reported 91 confirmed cases of the
H1N1 flu in the United States with multiple hospitalizations, and
a likelihood that many more cases would be identified in the coming
days and weeks.
Dodd wasn’t saying that Obama’s administration actively went out to cut the staff of the community health infrastructure. This testimony was given in 2009, at the heart of the Great Recession. Budgets were tight everywhere. But at the very beginning of the H1N1 event, even before the WHO declared a pandemic, the Democratic-led Senate was holding hearings about the response.
Then Dodd goes on to say
I am also concerned about the capacity of our Nation’s hospitals
to handle a sudden surge in sick patients and whether the right
countermeasures will be available at the right time to patients of
all ages.
I understand that President Obama has submitted a request for
$1.5 billion in additional funding to address the swine flu outbreak.
Ohio had 1 case, CT had 3, and Obama was aksing Congress for $1.5B and the Senate was having hearings. This is the kind of response we needed to COVID. Not denial and faith in miracles but concerted effort at all levels of government.
So basically, if your conclusion is that Trump is more right than wrong about anything, you should probably start over. Unless you’re a shill who is going to great lengths to dig out obscure quotes, then well attaboy.
Read the entire Senate testimony here
1+1=7, sky is green, water is dry and everything is fine.
Alarmist news from two years ago:
What could go wrong?
At the time, Republicans tried to take the Obama administration to task over its handling of the Ebola pandemic and that disease killed a grand total of [drumroll please] two Americans.
actually this was “peak stupid” for covid19
“it’s going to go away without a vaccine”
he’s back to the “magically disappear” again because someone must have convinced him a vax might not happen within a year, forget this year, so let’s force everyone back to work to their death for the 1% ! Volunteer in tribute!
Nobel, not Noble.
How many tens of thousands died during the H1N1 scare?
Speaking of H1N1 and flu pandemics, there’s no reason that we couldn’t have an outbreak of a novel influenza this fall. Shore would be nice if we had folks in charge who took science seriously.
Here’s a contemporary account of the US H1N1 response from a knowledgeable source:
The Obama administration has displayed strong, coordinated leadership, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Homeland Security, and the White House conveying guidance and strategies based on the best expert advice for how to respond. State and local health departments are monitoring and responding to cases as they emerge.
you don’t keep up with the orange menace’s tweets much, do you?
I believe @anon55735979 was referencing this.