Biden ad highlights Trump's disastrous mismanagement of coronavirus epidemic

How about them rape accusations against Biden by Tara Reid, eh? That sure sucks. Funny how True Blue Dems tunes have changed now that it’s Biden under fire. Resorting to character assassination against Tara even. Calling it a GOP/Russian plot against Biden.
Very much straight out of the GOP’s playbook during the Kavanaugh hearings.
What happened to inherently believing accusers? What happened to #MeToo ? Now all of a sudden it’s, “She praised Putin. She supports Bernie. Therefore she’s lying and can’t be trusted. It’s all fake. A GOP/Russian plot.”
I for one will NEVER vote for a rapist. PERIOD!
You know who hasn’t been accused of rape? Bernie.

But he’s a socialist! Will somebody think of the moderates? USA is doing so well with the capitalism. All hail Trump.

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You know what? I would be far more willing to believe you care about women if you weren’t using a woman’s trauma to shill for another man.


I’d be more willing to think Biden cared about women if he didn’t rape them and sexually assault them and in general just be too touchy feely and creepy. How many women have come out about this shit now? But the True Blues don’t seem to care. It’s all, “Oh, he’s just a harmless old man. He doesn’t mean anything by it.” and then just sweep it all under the rug and ignore it.
Also … Two of my sisters have been raped, I have been raped, and numerous female friends have been raped. … So yeah. I’m just “shilling” for another man. Right. How’s your foot taste?
Nice attempted deflection there. I’m noticing a trend amongst Biden supporters. Rather than face the issue, they’re side-stepping it and attacking those who bring it up … And also attacking Tara Reid. Disgusting. Hypocrites!!

I never claimed to be a Biden supporter. I am not, in fact, but you’re the one using this to boost Bernie, not me.

You never had to mention his name. You can boost yhe voices of women. You chose to boost Bernie in relation to this and then throw baseless accusations against me when called out on it. I never once said “forgive Biden”. I actually think he should be held responsible. That doesn’t require me to bring in anybody else.

I am a woman. Dealing with rape culture and seeing what circumstances men actually care about it in is a daily experience.


LMAO wow. Won’t give up, eh?
This is INHERENTLY AND DIRECTLY related to and relevant to both Biden’s and Sanders’ election campaigns. Your ENTIRE problem here is my last sentence? Seriously?
RE: “… seeing what circumstances men actually care about it in …”
You don’t know me. You take a single sentence and apparently assume that I’m only railing on this cuz I want to “shill” for Bernie.
You know who ELSE supports Bernie?
Tara Reid.
I admit being rather touchy and reactionary. Okay. … I’ve been experiencing attacks from Biden supporters as I post about this in many many many places. Usually never even mentioning Bernie. Just calling out hypocrites. Trying to not let the DNC and True Blues sweep this under the rug like they did with all of Biden’s other accusers of inappropriate actions.
And then there’s Biden himself who, after saying we need to inherently believe rape accusers and take them seriously, IMMEDIATELY declared this to be a lie.
Sorry not sorry I dared to mention Bernie. If that makes me a “shill” in your mind, nothing I can do about that.

Centrists talk like outing a “Bernie Bro” is a checkmate that wins every argument

If a significant bloc of voters would vote for some Democrat but not for Biden, that is not a win for Biden people, you’re not winning anything by calling them idiotic


I was told that a candidate needs to get voters out, especially after decades of falling turnout. And since the DNC has been vicious and dismissive to Progressives maybe they should try to appeal to them. You know, if they want to win elections.


Do not, repeat do NOT, rely on that.


You won’t find many Biden supporters in this forum. There are some people that are resigned to him or leaning in his direction now that other candidates are out, Bernie is looking increasingly unable to get his supporters to the polls, and some of his strongest supporters are simply exhausting.

The Reade allegations are very serious, but the timing of them, and the fact that the people pushing them most strongly (like Halper and the National Review) are strong political opponents of Biden, make it look like a cynical Hail Mary.


“Bernie Bro” is even more idiotic considering that at least half of his supporters are female. … But nevermind that inconvenient fact. :wink:
I would also say “Vote Blue No Matter Who” is idiotic. “I’ll vote for whomever the DNC puts up, I don’t care what their platforms are or what they stand for or what they’ve done, good or bad. … And if YOU don’t do it too, then you’re actually voting for “the other guy” and are perfectly fine with “letting the world burn.””
What a LOT of democrats don’t seem to get is that a good deal of Bernie’s supporters are independents, not democrats. They wouldn’t BE voting democrat if Bernie weren’t running as one. Were Bernie running as an independent, they’d be voting independent. So slamming them as “let the world burn if my guy isn’t nominated” is, at best, disingenuous. Moreso it usually seems to be used as an attack at “Bernie bros” in an attempt to discredit and diminish them. … Which, you know, is REALLY gonna help convince them to vote Dem if Bernie isn’t nominated. Cuz who WOULDN’T happily vote for someone they don’t ideologically support after being continuously attacked as a “Bernie bro.”
Yeah. Great tactic there DNC and True Blues. Alienate people, then complain when they don’t vote the way you want, and blame them for “the other guy” winning. Take no responsibility. Just blame everyone else.

Well, it’s a good thing smart people like you would never do that.

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If you’re assuming I’ll vote whomever the DNC candidate is … no … I REFUSE to vote for a rapist.
I held my nose and voted Hillary last time. … Biden tho? no. Fuck that guy. Right center corporatist rapist. Nope. And NOPE! … Not to mention there’s virtually NOTHING in his platform that I agree with anyhow.
I am, and always have been, and independent, fairly left but not FAR left, but more left than center. (if that makes sense) Democrats don’t fit my ideology these days, so voting dem – for me – heavily depends on the candidate-in-question’s platforms and history.
If Biden is the nominee (he should now drop out, considering the allegations against him … but he won’t) then Trump will have another 4 years. It’s that simple. But the DNC and True Blues refuse to believe it, despite pretty much EVERY poll showing that to be the case.
-shrug- it is what it is

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The rest is a matter of opinion, but this claim is just plain wrong, as far as I can tell. Top-rated polls rather consistently show Biden (and Sanders!) beating Trump in the general election.


I stand corrected. Newer polls than I was familiar with. Fair nuf.
Still, I think the DNC is in for a rude awakening if Biden is the nominee. -shrug-

You don’t have to convince me that Bernie is a superior candidate to Biden. I already voted for Bernie. Twice now.

The people who I find tiresome are the ones who suggest that there’s no point in voting if their favorite candidate doesn’t get the nomination, or that the election is a lost cause if their favorite candidate doesn’t get the nomination.


I’m trying to say that Biden copying Clinton 's strategy is going to fail. Hard.

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Yeah, I’m not a Biden supporter, and I share your disgust. Go Bernie.

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Dont worry When everything goes tits up, the cons will still be saying it’s all the Left Dem’s fault regardless.

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