Biden beats trump

Which Four Seasons?


It’s like a joke from an Arrested Development episode in which someone puts GOB in charge of planning the press conference.

Also, due to a similarly hilarious misunderstanding, Tobias is next door at “Paradise Island” for a book signing event he agreed to under the impression it was some kind of celebrity author cruise.


Ok I flipped the channel to Fox News again, to see “how the other half lives” and it was remarkably straightforward. (Matthews was on, FWIW.) It wasn’t really any different from what they were saying on CNN, though maybe a bit pensive. Reading (perhaps misreading) between the lines it’s like they can’t wait to scrape their shoes clean.

Flipped to Newsmax and the guy’s complaining how no secretary of state has certified any results and the news outlets were wrong for calling it before that. Has certification ever happened so soon after Election Day? And if it has, when did the news ever wait for that to happen?

OANN wasn’t covering the election at all (ETA and they aren’t airing the victory speeches, either)


Has any winning candidate waited for SoS certification before celebrating? Looking at you, Il Douche.


They should change the codes now; that way he can’t deliberately start WW3 out of spite.


Beau has a few thoughts about that whole forgive and forget BS.


All I got is a Moe’s and a Chipotle near me.I need the real thing.

Somehow I doubt they ever gave him the real ones. Lest they be leaked to Putin.


And watch him and his people more closely. (I hope they’ve bugged Mar-A-Lago… because it’s not just his place for golf.)


By David Kurtz

November 7, 2020 7:42 p.m.

A couple of reader emails, the first one fun, the second especially poignant. Both connect this day to the awful experience of election night 2016.

TPM Reader SM :

In October of 2016 a friend gave me a Trump piñata and we had a party on Election Day evening to watch the returns and celebrate the election of the first female president, with plans to smash it.

You know how that turned out.

The piñata has been in the back of my closet since that night. Tomorrow we are having a stay-apart-y with the neighbors and SMASHING IT TO BITS. I don’t even care if the candy is stale. To paraphrase, sometimes revenge is a dish which is best served stale.

Oh happy day.

TPM Reader RR :

I spent the evening of the 2016 election with my best friend, a wine and food journo. He placed a bottle of a 1970s Bordeaux on the coffee table with the intent of opening it when HRC was announced the winner. It was never opened of course. He died 2 years later after a cancer battle and his brother gave me that bottle. It will be opened tonight though and a glass for him poured. Its original owner must be dancing in Heaven while insisting on the proper stemware.

Cheers, RR .


There may be forgiveness for these people. But it’s between them and their god. It has nothing to do with me.


Damn, it was so nice to here people speak coherently again. And spouses who seem to like each other! That will take some getting used to!


I wasn’t a fan of Kamala Harris as a candidate, but damn if that wasn’t a good speech she gave just now. Better than Joe’s, if I’m honest.

Such a pleasure to have leaders who can speak clearly and with vision and whose remarks aren’t assembled in a MadLib book from 1983.


Lets get the DOJ going as fast as possible.


My thoughts are that Giuliani was staying at the Four Seasons and told chump he’d have a presser there before finding out if the hotel would accommodate one.


I just have to hope that the rats, fleeing the ship, won’t be there to do his bidding and the damage will be limited as a result.

There’s a good chance Trump will turn on the Republican party, Fox News, etc. Oh, that’ll be fun. (Apparently there was a pro-Trump rally today after the election was called, and they were chanting “Fox sucks” because they were unhappy with Fox also calling the election? I dunno. Nice to see, though.)

He went back to the White House (while the crowd outside chanted “loser” at him). Look how happy he is to be back:

Though earlier I was idly musing that Trump might spend the rest of his term at Mar-a-Lago and his other properties. That would make things easier.

It’s kind of hilarious, though - after Trump insisted that all the voting was fraudulent and he actually won, which would be the ultimate crisis of democracy, he takes the issue so seriously that… he goes golfing. That either fatally undercuts his message of election fraud, or it reveals he’s terminally unwilling/unable to do his job (and therefore unfit to be president). Or both. Either way, of course, it shows he’s not competent to be president.


Best headline:


That picture screams Downfall.