Biden drops out of the race for President

The political action committee (PAC), previously known as Haley Voters for Biden, which now features Harris’ name… believes Harris “is best suited to defeat Donald Trump in November.”


Biden is the liberal side of the party, unless you think that socialists are liberals.


Same. People are just dying to have a candidate they can really get behind. Biden’s been slipping with voters of color, immigrants (esp. Latino), pro-Palestine voters, young first-time voters and millennials. Kamala is the antidote to 90% of these losses. Not only does she fit the demographic bill, she’s a bulldog in the ring and will finally do what everyone has wanted to see since 2016; put that fascist pig in his fucking place. She won’t pull punches, she will be incredible well informed and prepared and will have a personal anecdote to throw into every one of his idiotic spewings. People kept saying after the debate that the format was terrible, but I think it was just terrible for Joe, especially in that moment. Kamala would absolutely feast. She would a) ignore his cheap bait b) directly attack his record and words based on the question being asked c) think and respond faster than his gish gallop and d) constantly remind everyone he is a rapist, conman, felon and absolute loser (he’s only ever won one election, either as an incumbent or proxy, remember).

I’m on Euro time right now, so I’m seeing a lot of the coverage from late last night coming in and wow! It’s looking like Dems may finally be united about something. Already unequivocally endorsed by all 50 state party chairs, most of the most likely opponents (Buttigieg, Newsome, etc.) and has already pulled in $50mm+!!!

Sunday morning trump would have won. Sunday night he would lose in a landslide.

@sqlrob, that doesn’t surprise me at all, tbh (Nikki Haley boosters going for Kamala). It was clearly an anti-trump vote from a bloc that is being utterly ignored and wants to break trump’s deadlock on conservatism. I don’t agree with pretty much any aspect of their POV, but it’s clear to anyone sane that he has no legislative agenda other than “me and what will get me reelected” and he damage he is doing will take decades to unravel. I think the Kamala coalition will be much larger than the Dem party.


You mean like when Vice President George H. W. Bush confirmed that George H. W. Bush had been elected President in 1989?


Yeah, but he was a Republican. That’s different


I will include a snark tag. It was an apparently oblique reference to people, like Gingrich, who ran for office solely to write dishonest books that glorify and enrich themselves while promoting illiberal ideology, and the segment of the industry that used political books for money laundering.


Yes, but in 1968, people didn’t know what Nixon would lead to. He seemed, at the time, like a reasonable candidate. Hell, even four years later, in 1972, he seemed like a reasonable candidate. He wasn’t even a Goldwater conservative. He normalized relations with China, signed the EPA into law, and came really close to cutting a deal with Ted Kennedy for universal health care. Watergate and everything associated with that completely overshadows everything he did, of course, as it should. But he was definitely not perceived as an existential threat in 1968. People didn’t know who he really was yet. We know who Trump is.


Nixon would undoubtedly be branded entirely “wOkE L3fT w1Ng RaDiCaL!!1!1” in today’s MAGA-dominated Republican party. This alone is a glaring, blazing indicator of just how far the Overton Window has shifted, and how any person claiming to be a Republican these days should spend some time in self-reflection.

And possibly, doing so in front of a mirror.



On another forum someone raised the point that if Roy Cooper leaves North Carolina, even for a short period of time, then the RWNJ Lt. Governor takes over with full executive power. So he probably won’t be available.


Even more frightening is that the RWNJ in question is frequently up like 4 points in the polls over the eminently sensible Josh Stein.


Time for Bernie to shine!


Joke Drummer GIF by Travis


Bernie Sanders Yells In Bernie GIF - Bernie Sanders Yells In Bernie ...


I don’t understand how anyone thinks any other candidate is possible besides Harris. Am I missing something, is the media gaslighting us for clickbait, or what?

Primaries were decided in June. Harris would have to also bow out to invalidate the votes the Biden-Harris campaign received. And then what, some states won’t allow for a second presidential primary, others simply lack a process for doing it. It would be chaos.

Forcing Harris out is basically impossible by the DNC’s own rules, to the best of my understanding. And would probably trigger an FEC investigation besides.

People can dream and fantasize about a whole litany of possible candidates to run against Trump. It’s never going to happen. Harris is it. You can either be happy with that, or disappointed. But we aren’t going to offer the job to anyone else, she’s the only candidate that can reasonably and legally run in 2024.

I hope she picks someone cool for VP. Like Gretchen Witmer.


No serious person thinks so, and anyone speculating is just looking for engagement and/or can’t fathom the reality of Democrats having their shit together immediately and with a purpose. Harris is it, and it’s a whole new race.

I’m team Kelly at the moment for VP, but man there’s some good choices to be had!


Which is exactly why I’m worried sick until she’s officially the candidate. The Democrats have a history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory whenever possible, the Republicans don’t care about laws or being reasonable, and the media wants there to be as much drama and unprecedented, stress-and-uncertainty-inducing political bullshit as possible, for the clicks. I’d be very surprised if they don’t all at least make an effort to obstruct the most obvious, efficient, rational way that things should proceed.