Biden drops out of the race for President

With respect, didja really have to come into our nice salon and dump a bag of crap on the floor?:mask::poop:


“Know thy enemy.” Even if he has already shown us just who he is.



projector GIF


While I agree completely, I don’t think that Trump will take the risk of losing a debate to a woman of color. I expect that he will come up with a lame reason to avoid any other debate.


Well, the difference there is that there was a decades long campaign demonizing Clinton (from the time she was first lady). There is less that with Harris. The biggest fearmongering around her came from her record as a prosecutor/CA Att Gen in Cali (some of which is entirely legit criticism), and then rumors of her having problems in her office, and the other racist claptrap about her “not doing anything” as VP. But it’s not been decades of conspiracy theories about what she’s doing to “her enemies”…


This is 1968 all over again. And the Conference is in Chicago again!

Harris has my vote. She is the only option. She is the only one who can access the Biden/Harris war chest. But that won’t happen, because all the other fucking Dems who think they have a shot are going to take it, making a contested race. Goddamn I hate this timeline.


Last night I was feeling confident that he turned the corner, and would emerge stronger.

Meanwhile, the papers that have been running non-stop Biden must GO articles, are calling this a “shocking” “surprise” etc.

ANd the narrative has shifted nicely, as predicted, to “Democrats in disarray” and how far behind any new candidate will be, including in fundraising, with Biden’s $90+ million off limits to anyone, except maybe Harris.


Any one of us could have written that verbatim in anticipation. We know him, we know him…


Sure, whatever, let’s just start covering all the firey speeches that she’s been giving now.

She’s really been great recently.


Given how centrist and play-it-safe the DNC tends to run, I doubt it will happen, but I’d love to see someone more progressive picked as the new veep, to appeal more to left-wing voters.


I’d be a lot happier if this wasn’t seemingly all through “social media” (x), where Musk controls all the posts. Elon’s tossed all neutrality out the window, and while I really doubt this is a hoax, sooner or later he’ll get around to something along those lines before January 20th.


I hate to do this but the other head ahole, their side has a lot of them, just posted this nonsense.

There’s a soft civil war happening in the deep state and the elites in power.

The Democrats, the IC, and their activists in the media have been lying to us saying there’s nothing wrong with Biden for years.

Next, they start a coup against him demanding he drop out of the race when they couldn’t hide it anymore.

Then came the assassination attempt on Trump for the crime of winning.

Today, Joe Biden, after weeks of saying he’s in, announces he is dropping out of the presidential race, but remains POTUS.

The Biden’s must have gotten the price they demanded for the presidential library that will pay the entire family for years to come.

We all know Biden can’t be president if he can’t run for president, but he’s avoiding coronating Kamala by not resigning from office.

Never forget they rigged the DNC Convention in 2016 against Bernie Sanders and for Hillary Clinton.

It’s a long time until November.

Patriots will ultimately be in control.


I 100% agree when it comes to the campaign overall. I’m strictly talking about the idea of a debate with T****. It would be cathartic to have her rhetorically crush him like a bug - but it would backfire in terms of results, because the US is still a very racist and sexist country. :sob:


We don’t know this. 1968 was a very different time. Nixon wasn’t the kind of existential threat Trump is, the country was mired in an unpopular war in Vietnam that was blamed on Democrats, and Humphrey was very much a compromise candidate that didn’t capture anybody’s imagination.

I’m hopeful that now that all the turncoats that pushed Biden out got their wish that everybody can unite around Harris at the DNC.


Everyone wants a Black woman to do the heavy lifting again, huh?

*not that shocked


At least she’ll be paid exactly what a man was paid, for the same job.


Just in general, that’s my concern about Harris… nothing about her, but about the possibility that some swing voters will vote against her because of that… We all know how deep those things go… But let’s hope that that won’t be a factor…

Oh, and I just remembered, her husband is Jewish… :woman_shrugging: People will try to weaponize that, too.


What a bizarre way to look at it.

Would it be better if people did not want a black woman?

She’s the obvious choice, being the vice president. And can’t people be happy at the chance of a female president?


I still think Biden should just resign, so

  • Harris can run as the incumbent

  • If she is already President, there won’t be any nonsense about nominating anybody else at the convention

  • The media machine that follows the President around and talks about the President every day will be following Harris around and calling her “President Harris” every day

Unfortunately, it will be that much harder for Biden to take this final step because Republicans are now publicly calling for that very thing, perhaps thinking that it would help them but probably just mindlessly continuing to attack their enemy while he’s down :thinking:


My thought too, and I hope that’s coming.