Biden is a drugger, says Fox News — and will go to debate "jacked up" on, er, "Mountain Dew" (video)

This talking point about finding the right recipe to perk Biden up is excuse no. 2 for Trump losing the debate.

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) was the White House physician known for running a pill mill out of his office, doling out amphetamines like Adderall and Provigil. So it’s entirely predictable, using our “every accusation is a confession” rule, that Jackson would be the principal source of a baseless accusation against Biden.

Said Jackson about Biden on a recent podcast with Don Trump, Jr.,

“Some of those are drugs that are engineered to try and help with your cognition. Some of them are just to try and make you more awake—the amphetamine-type drugs like Adderall and things of that nature, and then there’s things like Provigil that increase your alertness. So, I think they’re probably trying to find just the right mix of stuff that can wake him up and make him a little bit more alert and with it.”