Biden wins most Super Tuesday states; Sanders takes California

On the bright side:


That’s entirely possible. But his policy proposals don’t seem bad to me:


I found out that Biden’s got a stutter, that was quite a bad one when he was a kid. An awful lot of him tripping over his words is likely because he has to change things mid-sentence to avoid getting stuck on something.


At the end of this, the primary goal is to make Trump a one term president. If We need to do the same for Biden after November, so be it. At the very least, we need to do all we can to encourage everyone to get out and vote as you can rest assured that Cult45 will be out in force.


That doesn’t bear up under scrutiny. Again, the vast majority (~70+%) of Americans support New Deal liberal democracy. The center of the country is only right of Biden if it’s weighted by $ instead of people.


No, that’s fair to point out. His proposals aren’t bad, it’s just that I don’t entirely trust that they are actually what he intends to work on.


I’m a middle aged white man and I’m tired of them too. Personally I think the oldest you should be allowed to run for presidency is 60, maybe 65. Sure some 90 year olds are sharp as a tack, a good number of them have mental issues, and the majority are dead.


I was just talking about this with a co-worker today. I’m willing to go as far as 70 (I’m also a middle-aged dude, so that’s not too far off for me either) but I think you’re on the right track.

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Exactly. His platform has all of these policies listed, but I trust Bernie to actually push for his policies in the face of political resistance much more than Biden.

Not that it really matters because I don’t think Biden can win against Trump. The enthusiasm gap is much too large. It’s Hillary all over again. The way he’s been running his primary is also a huge concern IMHO. Just like Hillary he seems to think that he’s going to be the anointed one and doesn’t really have to fight for it. This proved disastrous for Hillary in the general. If you aren’t scrappy and firing up up the base you lose.


Hmmmm? In California, the most populated state with the most delegates, where Sanders won, 75% of young people voted for Sanders; 5% for Biden. Then again, Biden flat out said he literally doesn’t empathize with young people today, which makes him the perfect person to lead the Democratic Party into the future.


Literally every headline is about how Biden won big on Super Tuesday. California doesn’t count because Biden didn’t win it. Might as well just declare Biden the winner now, no need to count delegates.


Hannity would come up with something because he’s completely batshit crazy and yet people keep giving him air time

Hannity: “Trump is smart to take the money. I would quit my job for half a billion dollars - wouldn’t you?”


Biden couldn’t hang with people in his own party on the debate stage. He appears more like a candidate for a dementia ward than the White House. He’s just not capable of a commanding presence to prevent being bullied. Trump will run over him in any debate. I can’t believe I’m saying something good about HRC, but she’s orders of magnitude more with it and intelligent than Biden. Trump ran her over easily. Facts don’t matter in political theater.

That’s exactly in line with something someone might say. But I think if there’s one thing cultists will not follow their leader through is the leader saying, “Fuck all y’all, I got mine and I don’t need you anymore.” If they walk away from that you don’t feel secure, powerful and included anymore, and that’s the whole reason you signed up.

I guess Trump could launch Trump TV, keep hosting rallies, and say they were going to keep working to fix the country from outside of government. That might fly.


I wish there were no delegates.

Why not just award the winner of the popular vote the nomination? Or at least award delegates that are tied to the proportion of the popular vote overall and not state-by-state. I hate how the current system gives voters in some (often rural) areas much more power than voters in other places.

I’m not even going to mention the absurd super-delegate bullshit.


The whole concept of a “center” is pretty flawed. Is it the place where most of people are located, or where most people have the least distance from? Is something better, or more true, or more helpful, just because more people believe it? Is something wrong, just because it’s far from the center?

Whatever the center of the Democrats is, it’s way too far right for my taste. People with the mindset of US Democrats are considered conservative in most of Europe. Bernie would be considered left, but not too far from the “center”.


Stop giving the man preemptive idiot arguments

He’s dumb enough to actually use them!

And yet…

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The greatest risk from coronavirus to the people in the US comes from the fact that the US has a terribly fucked-up health system. No amount of science is going to change that, I’m afraid.

There’s so many bad ideas when it comes to voting in the US I lost track.