"Bigfoot Watcher Chasing Chemtrails Records a UFO"

“I got 'im! He’s spraying!”

What is “something skunk catchers say,” Alex?

I wish I could still approach the world with childlike wonder. “Look! Planes make clouds! I bet the world is flat! Let’s find bigfoot, guys!”

Unfortunately that time has passed for me. Now I do shit like pay taxes and work, like a chump. sigh


I was guessing a seagull or other high flying bird - flapping rather than twinkling accounting for the shifting pixels around the edge of the indistinct white blob.

As you say, hard to tell.


“So what I wanna do is zoom exactly, just guessing, kind of, I was right about there.”

Hell yeah, science!


Why hello there, pareidolia.


So the first time I took acid it was separate from my soul mate, so I had to rush home, wake her up, and tell her about the experience. she was not happy. the blurted out statement was… " I think I saw a UFO but since I am on acid I can’t be sure… but man it was AMAZING"

turns out it was the usual rainbow artifacting from my lens distortions. I saw a real single point of light, prob a star or planet, and then saw five ghost images of it rotate around it like a carousel. my fave part of all that is that I kept about 75% of my wits about me and was able to acknowledge that I was an unreliable narrator



I like that the guy is whispering but you can hear every silly-ball


Hello beautiful alien. Welcome to Earth. Don’t be afraid. Oh look, it’s shy.



There, FTFY.

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I once got so stoned on a camping trip that I discovered a tear in the fabric of space-time. I was staring up at the Milky Way - gloriously displayed in the Australian night like I’d never witnessed as a kid growing up in the light-polluted countryside of Southern Ontario - when I spotted a small patch of sky that was curiously devoid of stars. I splayed my hand at arm’s length and could just about cover this hole in the universe with my thumb. I pointed it out to a non-stoned camper who casually said, “yeah, that’s a nebula.”


I think Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. It’s not the photographer’s fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that’s extra scary to me. There’s a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he’s fuzzy, get out of here. ~ Mitch Hedberg

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You can give the best camera to one of those guy, he will zoom the shit out of it and watch noise for hours and hours until he found “something”.


Everything can be a UFO when you are bad at identifying things :smiley:


Bigfoot is the Silver Surfer.


Same here. There are just too damn many of these kooks. It’s scary.

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What is that guys? It’s something way off in the distance and it appears to be moving as my crappy camera is at full zoom and I don’t have a tripod or its lens flare. And those ‘chemtrails’? They seem to be dissipating very quickly, maybe it just water vapour - and this is what they are doing to us as part of the big ‘thing’ that _______ (please add your own punchline).

Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus.


NEWS ALERT! Leprechauns steal Bigfoot watchers truck as he records UFOs while recording chemtrails!


That’s what THEY want you to think. It’s obviously a bigfoot named Yeti imitating a cow…as they often do.

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Iridium flare?

Satellites are moving fast enough that when they fall, the earth curves away fast enough that they never hit it. That’s pretty fast.

And the UFO was being piloted by Ogopogo.