"Bigfoot Watcher Chasing Chemtrails Records a UFO"

I don’t know how many times I’ve had conspiracy bunnies tell me that they “know” they are chemtrails instead of just plain contrails, because they don’t look the same and they persist longer than contrails. But not a single one of them can define the “differences” they supposedly see. None of them can come up with even one piece of information on what a normal contrail is supposed to look like or how long it should last. I love to press these goons to come up with some details and watch them turn purple.

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In college, I knew a guy who was a creationist. He took courses in geology and biology literally just so he could know how “the opposition” thought so he could try to figure out ways to refute them.


Roger that, 7Niner Five

Did he remain a creationist after learning the history and theory behind plate tectonics and biology?

I’m guessing he did because for the really hard core creationists it is a matter of faith and you can’t argue someone out of a position using logic when the core tenant of the belief is rejecting logic (lies from omnipotent tricksters) to maintain your faith.


He did. Creationists have their minds made up and their only use for facts is to find ways through and around them. If the human race is a football team, creationists were practically designed to be wide receivers.


Pretty sure my claims are backed up by the headline itself.

It makes me sad.

This is a grown man who is probably actually looking up into the sky for the first time in life and drawing all the wrong conclusions about the things he’s finding.

If this is the norm, then is there any hope for humans?

That’s a foo fighter, man.

Yes, a nice view of Jupiter. I happened to be out that night, too, at just the same time of the evening, showing people views of the moon, Saturn, and Jupiter in our small telescope.

Jupiter was just in that exact position relative to the moon, the sun, and the horizon at that time.

“You can see planets in the DAYTIME?!” they gasped.

“Yes, we look at them all the time–often an hour or two before sunset will give your best views of the planets.”

In fact, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, etc ara actually rather easy to see just before and after sunset in those conditions, especially with a small telescope–even a very small one such as the zoom camera used in the video. I guess most people don’t know that?

(I hesitate to add that it is also quite possible to see the brighter planets in broad daylight as well. The difficulty is they don’t stand out at all, as they do at night, and you have to know exactly where to look and also be focused exactly at infinity while doing so. Both of these things are surprisingly hard and doing both at once, doubly hard. But using a small telescope, which can do both the focusing and the pointing for you, as well as gathering more light than your eyes do and magnifying the image some, it’s dead easy.)

You can check the location of the moon, Jupiter, the sun/sunset, and the horizon at the Sky & Telescope Star Chart - put in 2 Nov 2019, 6:30pm or so your local time (the moon-sun-planets-horizon will all have the same general configuration just around sunset at whatever your local time–I’m guess he is maybe somewhere in the Colorado mountains? Regardless, the relative configuration is the same relative to local time anywhere in a wide band in the northern hemisphere. Nearer the equator or in the southern hemisphere they’ll be generally the same, too, except “upside down” relative to the point of view in the video).

Or go straight to this link, which has the date, time, location, etc all set up. You’ll have to turn SW to the bottom of your screen to get a similar view to what he had in the video.


Also the dark contrail he was going on about being a “sprayer” is actually a pretty cool phenomenon, where the sun, aircraft, and direction of contrail are all rather precisely lined up. So the shadow of the airplane is cast directly back onto the contrail.

You can see a lot of crazy stuff like that right around sunset–mountains or cloud formations casting 50-mile long shadows and such.

The reality is so much better than making up some bullshit about “the govt is spraying us with chemicals” or whatever. I mean, it’s nice to see people exercising their imagination or whatever but it would honestly be far better to just leave it as “a really cool-looking unsolved mystery that I can’t figure out” than spoil it with bullshit obviously incorrect answers like “a sprayer”.


The trouble is, none of those people realise, or possibly care, that air temperature varies a lot at different altitudes and times of year, the same as at ground level, which is why clouds and fog form or disappear.
I’ve yet to get an explanation from chemtrail theorists as to the existence of contrails in 1939 onwards, when jet aircraft didn’t exist.
I’m sure they have some bogus explanation for it.



FTR, prop planes can make contrails when they fly high enough.
There are some impressive pictures from the USAAF’s daylight bombing raids over central Europe during WW II.
IIRC, the first contrails ever were observed over Munich airfield in 1919.


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