Bill criminalizing anal and oral sex passes Michigan Senate

Had to…

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Also, I’m always amazed at just how much older politicians who are purportedly straight obsess over what other people are doing with their genitals (particularly gay men).

All the while members of their cohort keep getting caught in airport stalls with “wide stances” or on vacation with rent-boys that “are there only to carry the luggage”.


Well… It all depends on what you mean by “baggage handling fees.”


Well, clearly being an elderly statesman, he’s earned the right to have a young assistant around to handle his bag, and provide him with a place to put his junk.

(I’ll see myself out…)


So if I were to encourage the senate to cram this up their arses, could I be arrested for inciting a felony?


ha, ha,ha,ha,hhhhaaaaHA…OMG…WT#

Well, there’s one more state that I wouldn’t touch with a 10-meter cattle-prod!

Logan’s Law wouldn’t be necessary if the acid lobby didn’t have enough influence to prevent sensible hydrogen ion control legislation.

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Failing to delete them is still a potential income stream for lawyers as a prosecutor could start a case and the defendant’s lawyer would have to do extra work to show that the law cited is unconstitutional. But sadly the right of the lawyers to form a government of lawyers for the benefit of lawyers shall not be infringed. Ask the Supreme Court.


Apparently Bestiality is still legal in Finland. Minna Ruotsalo, of the Ministry of Agriculture, was reported as saying, “… criminalising the act was not the right way to to deal with people who might suffer from mental illness or who are simply lonely…” (Yle News (Finland), 14 July 2015).


I’m with you on this. Rather than heap abuse on this legislator, I wish he was just given the opportunity to do what he wants to do. I use to respect some conservative republicans — respect, not agree with — but clearly that’s impossible these days.

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Those people are poor so it’s okay.

How so? Seriously, am I missing something here about the legislator that wasn’t revealed in the article? Is he a known jerk? Otherwise, not sure how you can call him a moralizing coward? In fact, sorry–but it sounds like you’re the one doing the moralizing, unless I’m missing something.

It’s clearly saying he’s been trying to pass a law–Logan’s law–that seems like an excellent one to protect animals from abuse. Part of the bill happens to modify the language in the state books regarding laws against sodomy. He didn’t write those laws. He doesn’t express belief in them. The bill just modifies some of the language on the books regarding sodomy (not really sure why, but it does) as part of a big bill on animal abuse. He simply didn’t take the opportunity to also remove the “human” references in those sodomy laws (laws that, also unless you can tell me otherwise, aren’t ever adhered to) so as not to risk the anti-animal abuse bill getting immediately shot down in controversy by the crazies.

It makes sense to me–tell me where he’s a coward? He’s pushing a bill that protects animals, and doesn’t want to risk the bill getting voted down in a knee-jerk reaction by bigots… so he didn’t remove stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the bill he’s trying to pass.

Honestly, I’m curious. What am I missing that makes his actions those of a moralizing coward?


When I was a mental hospital visitor, many years ago, there was a patient who the staff named “Paxo” after a proprietary brand of chicken stuffing. He had improved to the extent that he confined his attentions to dead ones, but even so if chicken was on the menu a watch had to be kept on his movements. Sending him to prison would not have been a smart move.
David Cameron now…


It’s also a threat to the cultural legitimacy of gay people — the time-honored wedge issue of the GOP which some want to revive instead of facing the real moral questions in Flint.

There should be a suit to strike it from the code.


If the dipshits in Lansing stopped passing clearly unconstitutional laws, they’d be doing absolutely nothing.


You could say the same about the state and local governments.

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But once again, this is what they are focused on instead of the emergency in Flint. THIS is what they decide to spend their time on. That’s the problem, at the heart of things. Their complete and utter lack of care for poisoned children.


The Michigan legislature only cares about corporate persons. Every piece of legislation passed from 2011 onward reflects this truth.


Maybe down to like fourth or fifth for some but still in the top ten, for sure. And these people wouldn’t understand how sodomy works if it climbed up their ass. To them it’s something that can only happen under a rainbow flag when the reality is that they likely made criminals of themselves because they hate gay people so much they’ll blow their own cocks off to stop two guys from so much as looking at each other with dewy eyes. I’m sick and tired of these fucking assholes and their unhealthy obsession with fucking assholes. They lost, they will have lost forever into the forseeable future. They need to get the fuck over it and actually get down to the business of doing the fucking jobs that actually really need to get done.

This is the state that is forcing prisoners to drink tainted water, that has a serious pollution and corruption problem on its hands, and whose biggest city has been experiencing serious financial ups and downs over the last decade. But I guess who grinds on who ranks as a more serious priority right now. What shitheads.