Bill Maher also stabs the WGA in the back

“It must suck to be you.”

Nah - people here are generally awesome.


Bilious says the demands are kooky- yet gives no examples of why they’re being unreasonable. No specific reasons and no overall assessment of their position.

Hard to take any of that seriously. His reasoning boils down to - I don’t like the peasants.


I hope he struggles mightily finding guests willing to cross the line.

“On tonight’s show we’ll be talking about quantum computing and its application to AI chatbots. I’d like to introduce tonight’s guests: Kevin from the Loading Dock; Rachelle, our server from the Olive Garden; and fresh from her gig as an R.A. in a state university dorm, my niece Mary.”

“Sorry, I’ve just been informed that Kevin is refusing to cross the picket line, and won’t be appearing tonight.”


Unfortunately they’ll be a never ending supply of “centrist”; I used to be a liberal libertarians.


In that case it speaks well of the strikers’ resolve and bargaining power that they were able to enact new rules against what so many TV hosts did back then.


Update: He decided to start acting like a vertebrate

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