Billboard promises sedation

Though some of these were very funny; but I feel so lucky to have grown up in a time before easy access to video recording. Some of those kids must have been ragged about their antics mercilessly.

Meanwhile, in a Dental Surgery, somewhere in America…

“I’m scared of the President.”

“Do you want sedition?”


At 13 I had to have oral surgery for having extra teeth. I was put all the way out with an IV of some sort. I wake up about 3 hours later feeling fine. The dental tech asks if I can walk… I’m all like why couldn’t I? I try and it feels like I’ve had a fifth of vodka, the room is spinning around relentlessly. Mom gets me home and I pass back out for another 6 hours. Once I wake I still feel pretty good. I stand and for a moment I get a feeling of lightness and I swear if I just jumped I could float across the room. That feeling goes away, and I just think oh well.

I don’t know what that IV was, but it was seriously good stuff. I felt good for a few days.

Last year I had a colonoscopy and was put under with Propofol. I don’t know how that’s a recreational drug. The feeling of going out was scary as hell, did not like it at all.


I would hope the posters consulted them first. My latest nasal polyp surgery, I had my attendees in stitches as I was waking up. First, the doctors were consulting at the end of the procedure, and I somehow connected it to the movie, Catch Me if You Can, and piped up, “I concur.”
They responded, acknowledging that I was now conscious, to which I replied, “Indubitably”.
I must have been giving my mental thesaurus a workout that day.


Problem is, he only accepts intelligence information (that you do not have) for payment.

He’s a homicidal maniac, but a he’s a good man and thorough.

There, fixed.

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I can. I found an app.


I have very sensitive but tight gums and teeth that do not get numb hardly at all. The solution for me was called an x-tip. They numb your jaw underneath the tooth being worked on then they use a drill bit that is hollow and drill straight into your jaw and then once they’re through and into the pulp beneeth the tooth then they inject the novacane achieving through numbness. The drill hole takes a few months to fill back in but you don’t notice it. It takes time and effort but we’ll worth it.




This seems like a legit thing to advertise – many people are either super-anxious (some due to abuse/PTSD) or have other reasons to require sedation for dental care. Some dentists do twilight sedation, but full sedation would require the services of a dental anesthetisiologist, and many/most offices don’t have such a person on staff.

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