Billionaire GOP superdonors aren't getting what they paid for

They are getting to vet candidates in primaries and focus the national discourse. So not entirely wasted money.

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No, no, no, you need to represent the new, more inclusive GOP.

Weā€™ll call it ā€œThe Millionaire Person March!ā€

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Nah, donā€™t worry - Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll still manage to screw up all the state and local elections.


so true it hurts.


Maybe. But it leads to Republicans possibly nominating Trump.

You start sacrificing principles for power, and a generation later youā€™dbetter keep feeding Moloch.

Perhaps we should all vote Trump and accept our post-apocalyptic dystopian future? According to video games there will be some high points to look forward to, though I canā€™t think of any off the top of my head.

After all, you know how the saying goes, ā€œIf you canā€™t beat emā€™, stockpile ordnance and shoot them for food later onā€, or something.

However it goes Iā€™m sure itā€™ll all be for the best (not)


Iā€™m surprised the other billionaires trust Trump enough not to have derailed him already.

and they always have to balance it outā€¦ Trumpā€™s extreme views on Muslim immigration are just like Bernieā€™s wanting to bring in single payer.

The amazing thing about American politics is that the outcomes are so close when people are given a binary choice between a party of craven politicians with a few idealists, and a party that loudly promises to ignore all their domestic needs, ignite hatred for Americans worldwide, damage their health, waste trillions on wars that help nobody outside of ā€œdefenceā€ contractors, and stigmatize a quarter of the population.

Itā€™s lunacy!

Republicans have been so well trained in voting against their interests, and identity politics has married them to their brand while vilifying the only alternative.

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Is that a joke?

America lags the developed world on that front, spending far more for the same service than nations with non-commercial medical systems.

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Gerrymandering FTW!

Iā€™m hoping that was very dry humor.


Good God yes!

Voting blocks should represent the diversity of the population, not be structured like a slime mould seeking nutrients :frowning:


ā€˜Never Again? Donā€™t Be So Sureā€™: Readers on Donald Trump and Fascism
ā€œWe slowly learned to view Hitler as the poster child of evil, but in reality, much of Europe shared his warped views about the Jews. People like Trump must be exposed early,ā€ Diana Windthrop wrote from London, in response to a column by Timothy Egan. ā€œThe fact that the more racist his message, the more his base supports him echoes Nazi Germany. Never again? Donā€™t be so sure.ā€


Millionaire? Oh, you mean poor people?

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I believe thatā€™s the motto of todayā€™s Republican Party.


What year in Ohio? Iā€™ve been listening to IAMAW oral histories from retirees (thatā€™s the Int. Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, in case you werenā€™t sure) and they did major canvasing in Ohio in both the 2008 and 2012 elections. They all seem to agree they were instrumental in turning the state around for the Dems, primarily through get out the vote campaigns and helping people get to the polls in the first place. In other words, traditional blue constiuents were motivated, in part by grassroots activities organized by the unions, working with youth groups for Obama. Even if Anonymous ā€œunfixedā€ the voting machines, you still need people to come out to the polls, which is why the issue of DMVs in Alabama closing is such an important deal - access to the ballot and all.




It sure as hell works on the local and state level.

I think itā€™s the only thing keeping them in the running nationally

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