Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested for trafficking dozens of young girls for sex

So tell me again about all the great benefits of this whole “plea bargain” system that appears to have metastasized into a complex separate entity outside of the public courtrooms. It seems to be a super efficient way of ensuring justice for all.


Could this be the reason Pence rushed back to DC last week?


Well, actually, no. Born and raised in Brooklyn, made a ton of $$$, purchased homes in Florida and US Virgin Islands. That’s not “Florida Man” at all.


This is definitely a good thing but I’m curious how it worked legally given the conspiracy theory inducing sweet deal he got last time?

Honestly I’m (pleasantly) surprised since he had ties to both Rs an Ds. It will be interesting to see what comes out during the trial.


Having worked in DC I think much like the acting scene in NYC there’s a lot of big dreamed idealists who show up for a year or two, get burnt out on low paying staffer gigs, then exit with equal enthusiasm.

In every city I’ve lived I’ve found a few like minded people I could just post talk with as I do here. I struggled to find such folks in DC.

I think you get pushed to compromise early and pushed more the higher you go, to the point where if you have direct evidence of something heinous you’re probably no saint. Maybe just a generic sell out or tax evader, but it’s MAD.

Kind of like how the Catholic Church’s gay ban indirectly led to the pedo crisis - you can’t turn in the evil if you’ve done “bad”

That’s my personal theory on corruption thanks for listening, please remember to mash that subscribe button !!1!1!111


While you aren’t the first person to suggest it out there, I don’t think wild speculation and conspiracies help anyone. Don’t become Alex Jones.




Do you really think he’s going to that kind of prison? I don’t. He’s still rich. I hope he does, and I hope the Fed’s who worked out his deal go with him. But I don’t think it will happen.


“Elite” is a matter of perspective. I am sure that there are folks who are rich and powerful, and who would be horrified by these goings-on… but then they wouldn’t be hanging out in these circles. Celebrities like Tom Hanks spring to mind, or the other many people that are just not routinely covered in the celebrity press – presumably because, although they are well known, they aren’t so egocentric and narcissistic as to thrive on such attention.


For a long time Kevin Spacey was assumed to be a kind, private man.

Don’t assume someone is kind unless you’ve personally interacted with them.

If anything, it’s easier to hide toxicity behind a persona of being “private” - less interviews, less parties, less chances to “out” yourself as a jerk.

This is not a commentary on Tom Hanks specifically to be clear, I sincerely hope the rumors he is as kind as his public persona are true, I just want to challenge this line of thinking.

I would have to guess that a whole lot of “Florida Men” were not actually born in Florida.


" Last month, the Justice Department told the judge there was [no legal basis to overturn the plea deal ( and rejected a request by the victims to further prosecute Epstein."

They are still covering his ass…

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That, opining on the radio about the fuckability of teenage Paris Hilton, reveling in his ability to freely walk into the dressing rooms of naked underage girls at his beauty pageants… he’s done everything but outright say, “Yeah, I’m a pedo.”


I just noticed that there’s an ephebophile tag on the article.


I’ll just leave this here, for the girls he injured:

We could do this too:


Epstein’s complaint about the case: “Too old!”


Poor choice of words. I can just picture him referring to his “secret sweethearts” when talking about his victims.


Don’t worry. Attorney General William Barr will get him out of jail in no time. (Hmm, someone should name a virus after them.)


nope not adding that to my viewing history!