Bizarre news feeding frenzy erupts inside San Bernadino terror shooters' former home

This comes to mind.

Since the plot was more about the enabling of a mass mental disorder by the media, I hope you ALL watch this,

Man Bites Dogā€¦yeeks. That film made Natural Born Killers look like an Oliver Stone movie.


No, I mean FUCK no, and that ainā€™t the booze talkā€™n. Any Human that will walk into the total disregard for other humans lives is fucking sick in the head!


This is the problem. According to our current rubric of understanding mental illness, murder and mass murder are not grounds for psychosis or personality disorder diagnoses.

These guidelines need to change. Anyone who would attempt suicide and be unsuccessful would be placed under watchful psychological care. They would likely be diagnosed with depression or something else related like anxiety. So why not murderers? Are they not so angry and bent out of shape that they have crossed the line into disorder? I really think they have. The current diagnostic criteria are lacking and wrong. People who kill others or intend to kill are abnormal and need psych care.

The flip side is that by saying all killers are mentally ill, that blunts the public health concern around easy access to guns.

We have multiple, simultaneous things going on. Shitty laws around firearm possession and purchase. Too many guns in society already, and easily accessible by criminals who ignore all laws. Not enough psych care for the population. Media whipping people up into a frenzy about all the killing. TV crime shows and first-person shooters are all the rage. We have just way too much violence immersion in the USA. Itā€™s insanity. We are a bunch of violent, egotistical apes.


ā€œnutsā€ and ā€œmentally illā€ā€¦ are different words for a reason.

But my, look at what ELSE they had in common!!!

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Maybe I should have put an explicit warning on that post. Itā€™s been a long time since I watched it but I think even I got a little uncomfortable toward the end and I tend to describe dark movies as fun. But it did have some interesting points about where the news and documentaries were headed. It came out in '92 just as The Real World was getting started. Long before we heard of reality tv producers manipulating events and people off camera for better ratings. At least I wasnā€™t aware of it until later.

BBC News was in there as well



Actually, I know that two local news stations were there, too (KCAL and KCBS, even though share feed all the time). But I donā€™t believe the condo was still considered a crime scene; the feds have stated that they released the property back to the landlord.

I think blame could be shared by the landlord and the mediaā€™s insatiable appetite to scoop one another.

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i think there are a couple of problems with saying a person who murders is mentally ill.

first, unlike many common mental illnesses, most of these people donā€™t feel they are ill.

second, mental illness implies some lack of responsibility. if you are clinically depressed or schizophrenic you cannot control all of your actions and reactions: you are ill; but, these people clearly made a choice.

finally, such a connection can make it sound like a person who has some other mental illness might suddenly become a killer. which is far from the truth.

thereā€™s the broader question of whether something has gone wrong in a killerā€™s brain? possibly. itā€™s also possible, that anyone who chooses might shape themselves into a killer. i honestly have no idea.

humans have volition. and itā€™s scary how much range that implies.

Not realizing it is a hallmark of many types of mental illness and psychiatric disorders.

It doesnā€™t. Some mental illnesses/disorders imply lack of capacity, but responsibility or culpability is a different issue. Again, depends upon the mental illness and its severity.

So, are you saying schizophrenics canā€™t make choices? Depressed people canā€™t make choices? No way. They can and do.

And you are implying that the choice that murderers made was completely under their control. Who is to say this definitively? I think they lost that ability to discern wise courses of action, similar to a person who commits suicide. I attribute that loss of control to an illness or disorder, temporary or permanent; but still, a sickness that has impaired their ability to reason. In my reality, sanity does not include the act of initiating the killing of other people.

Whatā€™s the difference between this and mental illness?

No, you donā€™t.

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i think much of the disconnect in this conversation stems from an entanglement of the notion of mental illness and the concept of legal insanity. each idea is relevant within a particular sphere but when they become mixed and generalized, well, that can lead to people talking past each other.


Yes. These two definitions are mixed up in an objective sense, too, because in order the achieve the legal status of insanity, they call in psychologists who then have to apply DSM criteria and explain their clinical position that the person is or is not insane. Itā€™s a mess.

People who kill arenā€™t sane. Either generally, or temporarily at the time of killing. Thatā€™s not absolving them of anything. Itā€™s putting more back on us, as a society, to deal with it, because then weā€™ve realized that we have to do more than what we are doing.

Gun rights activists like to trot out the mental health issue to deflect from the gun issue, because they donā€™t want more laws. The reality is that we have a mental health problem AND a too-many-guns problem AND a fucked-up media problem. Theyā€™re connected and, unfortunately, we get to see a new episode every week.


(Itā€™s my turn to say it!)

Close down the thread, we have a winner.


Iā€™m just echoing what many other people have saidā€¦ itā€™s a multi-layer problem. It canā€™t be distilled down into just one thing.


i donā€™t feel youā€™re trying to understand what i wrote.

you canā€™t choose to not be depressed. you canā€™t choose to stop being schizophrenic.

are there people who canā€™t stop having murderous thoughts? iā€™m certain.

are all of these recent killings committed by those sorts of people? no, i donā€™t think so.

my caveat was there because iā€™m not a mental health professional. i donā€™t know these things for certain. i am saying that as far as i can tell: murder doesnā€™t require being mentally ill.

if you paint too broad a brush it would imply everyone from cigarette manufacturers, to bush/cheney for the iraq war, to cops who shoot unarmed people are mentally ill.

i agree it would be a better world if there was indeed always an external reason ā€“ an illness, for instance ā€“ underlaying the bad things people do to themselves and othersā€¦ i just donā€™t think it works that way.

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Many people agree with you. I donā€™t. I believe the definitions of mental disorder are wrong and need to be rewritten.

??? uhhhhhhhhhā€¦ they are.

Itā€™s not an external reason. Itā€™s an internal reason. Itā€™s mental illness, which is on the inside of the person. It can be treated. In the case of murderers itā€™s probably something along the lines of anxiety/explosive disorder/avoidant personality disorder, probably other stuff too, with lots of variation from murderer to murderer.

Supposing that murder is not a form of mental disorder is to disavow that it could be prevented by recognizing it and treating it early. Murderous rage is like many diseases in the past that we couldnā€™t recognize early and treat, but now we can. We just need to get wise.

unfortunately, gun rights activists and that subset of the population who lean towards their positions (which is a much larger percentage of the population than i think most people here would like to admit) regard each new mass-shooting as further evidence that more people need to be armed to defend against the nuts/terrorists/criminals who are committing them. iā€™ve been watching this dynamic getting worse and worse over the last 25-30 years. iā€™m afraid that the only thing that might alter that dynamic would be for several shootings in dark venues to result in multiple excess deaths because of armed bystanders attempting to intervene demonstrating the dangers of a heavily armed citizenry. and even then there will probably be a significant minority who will believe in their hearts that it was a false flag operation to provide an excuse to turn public opinion against gun ownership.

i realize i may seem to be throwing my hands in the air and saying thereā€™s nothing to be done but until the people who want to revise the 2nd amendment or have more stringent gun control are as well-organized and passionate as the pro-gun population there really isnā€™t anything that will change.

in your view are activities ending in other peopleā€™s deaths distinct among all other human behaviors?

for instance, i knowingly pay my taxes. i fully recognize those taxes go towards drone attacks, corrupt dictatorships, etc. does that make me mentally ill?

similarly, the news frenzy of the post is ā€œcrazyā€ ā€“ but are they mentally ill simply because itā€™s unwanted behavior?

when does mentally ill end, and rational decision making begin?

really, in this case, thatā€™s the same thing. itā€™s something other than the theoretically healthy individual. itā€™s a curable aberration.

for some people ā€“ i agree thatā€™s trueā€¦ but, if you say that every murderer is that way, and even people removed from direct murder are the sameā€¦

it would be brave new world out there ā€“ with all of us perpetually medicated to make sure we stay ā€œsaneā€.

So, did you fly into a dissociative rage when you paid your taxes? Or did you just go, ā€œmehā€ and write the check? THAT is the difference.

Youā€™re saying that, not me. Iā€™m talking about disorders that are associated with people legally or illegally picking up guns and unilaterally opening fire on other people. Donā€™t cloud the argument. This is about THAT situation, not all the other stuff you tossed out.

cloud the argument? really? iā€™m talking about your definition of mental illness.

murderous is heinous. mass murder horrific. i know itā€™s hard to face the idea that someone could justify those actions to themselves and not be literally sick in the head ā€“ but healthy individuals rationalize terrible acts everyday.