Blackhawks fans riot and for some reason it's not sensationalized by the media

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Gah. I experienced the delights of the St Patrick’s Day parade in Savannah a couple of times (by dint of living in the middle of it) - you couldn’t pay me enough to do it voluntarily.


As someone who claims Irish heritage, it can be a bit disconcerting. It’s not all about drinking, folks… But for some people, it’s all about the drinking… Ah well, Amurica-freedom, as they say.

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To be fair, it was also about the Hibernian society refusing to alllow the Mayor to attend the dinner because she was a woman.


Oy vey… Hibernian society, eh? Organizations that are built on the notion of protecting one group in society discriminating against someone is utter BS.

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No one?

Well, if your last comment wasn’t speculation, please see that this one was.

I’m not even sure of what ‘side’ your on, but if you hold yourself out as not speculating, you would not be speaking accurately. No offense intended, and none taken.

and you’re having to call someone elses opinion little on the way to claiming the high ground.

God I hope you mellow out soon.

A bent roof on a pedicab. No wig stores looted. No morph suits stolen. No buildings or vehicles set afire. Get some perspective. I lived in a high rise when MLK was killed. The sky was filled with black smoke. I saw it.

“It’s not speculation in the least”

Was in response to a specific statement.

Why you would try and apply a no speculation rule to every point of a complex discussion is beyond me.

But, since you want to.

Please present the media outlet that asked fans to condemn the violence, hold their community to account, denounce this, that or the other or make any statement that would be used to justify actions and harden opinions against their community.

I didn’t see any of that in the few articles I read or links others posted that I clicked, but if you did just present, then you don’t have to ask me to wonder or wonder yourself whether or not I was speculating. Not that there is anything wrong with speculation over any of this where no examples can be found.

You were insisting that YOU were not speculating.

How my holding you to an accurate description of your own actions is somehow ‘rules policing’… well sure it is. Sure. Why not. Maybe you were just speculating and giving yourself credit for documenting? Looked like it.

I don’t care if you speculate. I do care if you lie, by saying you’re not, when you are. As in, making assumptions about the motives of others, while insisting you’re NORT speculating. It’s just false.

Like you did to me, when I said so. Rather than pointing out where you missed YOUR OWN MARK, you tell me I am making up rules? I didn’t say no speculating. YOU DID.

No thank you. I only argue in good faith.

I wasn’t speculating. Here below is the relevant quotes, what was being discussed.

I wasn’t insisting either, I was stating. It’s a fact that CPD’s response was changed (for the better) due to examination of events in 2013. It’s not really a counter argument, just a point among many, but whatever.

As for my third paragraph, it is the premise of the OP, found in the last paragraph.

So are you upset that I didn’t include some disclaimer like AFAIK?

Let me get you a cup of tea and a biscuit and you can tell me all about it. I also don’t find any articles doing any of the above, neither do you. There may be one out there, if it’s so important to you find it. It wouldn’t mean much, finding one example that counters a trend, but do what you need to do, just be sure and use a doily and try not to get crumbs on the rug.

BTW, this is a MUCH better illustration of the point I believe the OP was trying to make. Pretty hard to look at that and feel like hairs are being split.


Ok, This may be true. Maybe not.

a few lines later:

Wild speculation. Maybe you were above it a moment before, but not just there.

That’s the whole point man. Don’t move the goalposts on me (especially since that is considered a riotous act!!!). You can understand this simple point where I pick apart an argument youve made (in this case being above speculation while indulging in it) without assuming I disagree with your overall point or character, right? It’s not personal, it’s a chance to make your point without including the fallacies in it. An invitation, actually. And somewhat friendlier than your response! So it’s a second chance?

Welcome, and I do mean welcome, new community member!

Boston cops have killed more than a few white kids during riots during our decade of sports dominance.

Maybe they #dontmatter

I’m finding it easier and easier to simply ignore your comments. And your replies. Especially your replies.