Boebert mad Target is selling clothes designed to fit the people who want to wear them

Yeah the conflation seems to be between an adult suit that supposedly noted it was tuck friendly on the tag (but apparently not on the website when I checked), and the fact that there were kids swimwear in the pride collection but not labeled like that, just labeled as being for a variety of body types.

There was a cute basic black kids swim skirt that was apparently labeled as appropriate for a variety of body types. They probably would have been screaming about that if they hadn’t gotten so distracted by the word tuck on an adult swimsuit in the same collection.

When I looked at the collection myself I’d say it had a sporty androgenous mix and match vibe overall, the pieces all went together in whatever combination pretty well.

Granted they just make up whatever they want with minimal prompts at this point.


Thanks for the added context. I’m composing a letter to Target corporate, but haven’t been to our local store in a while so don’t know what this looks like in person. I think I might add something about, beyond being allies to the LGBTQI+ community, what woman wouldn’t want that kind of convenient layout of options?
The whole gender separation of clothing could go away and it wouldn’t hurt anyone. It’s dumb that there’s a “mens” and “womens” section in every department store.


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