Originally published at: Boebert's ex somehow inserts himself into the Congressperson's public groping of another man | Boing Boing
The hurt I caused Lauren was not only significant but also something she carried within her, burying it deep inside, while continuing to love people and our country fearlessly with a smile each day. Since our separation, I have embarked on a journey of self-reflection and personal growth. I have come to understand the importance of honesty and loyalty, and. I am committed to becoming a better man, one who can fully appreciate and reciprocate the love and kindness that has been demonstrated to me.
“I am root.”
finally, we get the closure we needed. she is one week away from going back on the extremely offensive.
It’s cute that you thought it was going to take a week.
I’m willing to bet my next paycheck that an investigation into his finances would reveal a payment from her campaign coffers before this statement was made. This is a fraud falling on his sword so another fraud can maybe keep frauding.
ha ha hope springs eternal. but honestly that one is pretty tame.
As much as I hate her and her Mean Girl antics, it’s just as disappointing to see her ex trying to remove her personal agency in this matter.
Well, to her credit, if Target hadn’t been selling pride t-shirts and onesies with rainbows that jet probably wouldn’t have gone missing. /s
Probably happened because the pilot was vaping and singing show tunes too loudly.
“I am the root.”
Gee, dude. We were all talking about the other guy’s root, but you gotta try’n’ hog the spotlight.
They are both unfortunate individuals. If the other man’s penis in her hand wasn’t a sign this isn’t about him – I dunno what is?
BoBo’s not doing too well with men it appears. She’s already broke it off with her theater groper…
apparently he’s a democrat!
“But ultimately, all future date nights have been canceled. And I learned to check party affiliations before you go on a date,” Boebert — who filed for divorce from her husband in May — quipped, an apparent reference to reports that her date at the “Beetlejuice” performance is a Democrat.
Maybe Gropert couldn’t bear the thought of his dejected face if she told him in person, and so staged the theatre display hoping that he would find out indirectly.
Yes, nobody cares about your root, Boebert.
Fighter pilots are known to be eccentric singers and dancers. Iceman and Maverick can attest to that.
'Hey Jayson, you up fer summa them book learnin words? Need ya to write up a statement for Lohr-Lohr. Pay you? Yeah, I suppose we could. How’s a case of Coor’s Light pounders and some scratch tickets sound? The $20 ones? Sure, we can do those.
Ok, you send it over when it’s ready and we’ll get you the beer. Kthxbai.’
- Boebert’s campaign manager, probably
I have no respect for Bobert but she did manage to hire some really good handlers. They wrote up that statement for her ex and paid him enough to sign off on it. They’ll be recruited into the top crisis PR firms when she loses in 2024.
It upsets me that everyone believes she left me over fame or a new lifestyle.
Dude, just zip it.
And given your history, I mean that literally AND figuratively.
I find that difficult to believe from either direction or is getting to know basic information about the person you’re going out with before giving them a hand job in a public theater just not as common as I would expect?