Bono named in Glamour magazine's Women of the Year list

No worries! I look forward to reading your comment on this topic.


I read Cosmo for the sex tips when waiting in line…


Better Bono than they put Trump on the list. Now that would have been problematic, but I hear nobody respects women more than him.


To get back to my comment,

Can we at least cut the Breitbart-style transphobic horseshit, at the very least? Because that’s what they did at Breitbart; had a good laugh that Bono was recognized for caring about women, and had a good laugh at another dum librul being declared a woman.

What are we to infer from this graphic, Rob?

Hurr hurr, pink am are gurl color.

Anyway, I guess my original comment is on how the cherry-picked tweets make the same “mistake” which is that Bono was named Woman of the Year, and that it’s gross. Okay…except that that’s not what they did. As the author of the article pointed out, Christiane Amanpour, who was one of the women who chose Bono for the award apparently, explains why they chose him here.

Bono Just Became Glamour's First Man of the Year | Glamour

But here we are, doing our darnedest to be mad that a dude got recognized for trying to help some of the world’s most vulnerable women. Yes, I understand; this should be the default. The point is, it’s not. Seeing it from my side of the gender fence, even, no, hell no, it’s not. It probably won’t change any alt-reichers’ minds about the “Pussification of America” (notice how your genitals are a symbol of weakness to them, ladies? Isn’t that charming?) but maybe it’s something.

Contrast that with Gwen Stefani, who was recognized for, uh, as far as I can tell, being awesome.

I brought up transphobia, by the way,because that was the angle the Breitbart crowd took with making fun of it: hey, look, another dum librul dude declared a woman, oh my, clutch the pearls because men is men and women is women back in my day!

From what I gather, it’s supposed to be a message that, hey, in some ways things are getting harder for women, and it’s nice to have some allies in the other 3.5bn people.

But no, let’s get angry at some stupid magazine because Bono is not am women.

But at least this dude put Christiane Amanpour in her place, so we have that going for us, I guess.

You’re not going far enough. Pink is a girl color, and girls are contemptible. Therefore men who wear pink are contemptible. They are less than men. They are weak. They are fair targets for rape.

The look on my son’s face when I pointed out these obvious messages.


Interesting. Makes me uncomfortable on a number of different levels, but, at the same time, I’m glad Bono accepted. I’m sure he’s going to get a lot of teasing from Trump types. :ok_woman:

It wasn’t a tweet, there was an entire article written by Christiane Amanpour explaining how and why he was chosen to be Man of the Year.

That is Krysten Ritter in the gif

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Don’t get me started on the whole girl color/boy color thing. That’s a relatively recent invention, but people act as if it were written in our DNA.


This is like when Bill Clinton was called our first black president.


VGG The lenses are pink, like Bono’s no? He has some medical reason for wearing coloured glasses all the time. Which I don’t even care enough about to look up.

Unlike The Edge, he had his beanie hat tragically fused to his scalp when he fell asleep inside one of these bad boys in the 1980s.

I’ll look that up.

I went out of my way to dress my kid in red and navy when she was a baby.


There are a lot of ways to honor the good work that Bono is doing without putting him on a list that is not for him. I mean, honorable mention or something!

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I think the weakness is the effect the pussies have on them, not that the pussies are weak. Right? Like kryptonite for Superman. A pussy, even the mere thought of one, turns those guys into goo, they can’t control their actions,… Or have I been misreading it all these years?

[charmingly naive or bitterly sarcastic? you decide]

My sister dressed my niece and nephew in matching Black Power Ranger costumes for Candy Extortion Eve. Have I mentioned I have an awesome sister?


[quote=“IronEdithKidd, post:8, topic:88602, full:true”]You’re not exactly its target demographic. I’m not anymore, either, but I do the grocery shopping, so I’m aware that every fashion magazine from my teenage years still exist. Some (lookin’ at you Cosmo) to the detriment of humanity.

I actually do a fair bit of the shopping, but, yeah, I’m definitely not in the Fashion Magazine demographic when waiting in the checkout line. (I’m in the “Hmmm… Milky Way or M&Ms or Three Musketeers or Oreo Minis or…” demographic.)


*lolz @

She sounds awesome.


My brother and his family dressed as power rangers, their family costumes were fantastic. yes i’m braggin because i love them so much. my nephews are so much fun.


It is an honourable mention/separate category, and it’s for men who are notable specifically for supporting women. If the goal is to highlight positive role models, it’s not ridiculous to break down the idea that feminism is a battle of women against men.


Power Rangers go!

Siblings’ kids are awesome…and so much lower maintenance than having children of one’s own! :grinning: