TIL! I chalk this up to being a non-breeder (my neighbor’s description). I have no idea what the parents of children do.
That sounds like our neighborhood. We actually love having kids come from outside our neighborhood bubble. I even dig the teens who make an half-assed attempt just to get free candy!
Sellowrapped? Maybe, from the family that’s heard of Asians in Cali/Oregon but never seen them…still convinced their Indian friends are putting them on. …so “Green Room”, on projection or tiny old monitors?
Oh, that sounds fun too; like an Easter egg hunt, but for Halloween.
Also, I don’t know just how young your little one(s) is, but you could do Scholastic’s Slightly Scary Stories, which my 15 year old still loves out sheer nostalgia.
Charlie Brown would be fun! She’s just 4, so the Slightly Scary Stories are probably too much. But it’s a good idea for later.
Parents all over will just need to get creative, just like we have been. Trick-or-treating is just not worth it.
Edited bc the cat made me submit before I was ready. Hands are apparently for petting, not phones.