Border family separation isn't "zero tolerance" - CBP looked for parents to charge so they could kidnap kids

“Law and order” never means respecting the law. It means “police brutality, fuck yeah!”.

  1. Laundering federal government funds into campaign contributions by generating business for private prison contractors.

  2. Creating a pool of “orphans” to be adopted by Evangelical Christian families.

  3. Sex trafficking.

  4. All of the above.


It seems sinister to me that the Pentagon is gearing up to keep 20,000 separated kids should be kept on military bases. The brother of the current Secretary of Education is the guy responsible for developing a mercenary army. She has no qualifications for her job (besides being rich, uber-religious in a bad way, loyal to Trump and brother to Erik Prince). I hope I’m being paranoid, but if this were a bad movie, that would be part of their end game.


Yet. wait till it can be monetized or serves as a feasting ground for the right wings special appetites.


What’s the motivation here? All the other shitty, evil, horrible things they do, I can at least see why they, in their twisted vision, they do them… but what’s the benefit here?

The American Bastille would be filled with immigrants, wouldn’t it ? Immigrants and African Americans to be crystal.

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If they’re “Evangelicals”, they’re not Christian. Read the New Testament.

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Well, it’s a lot easier to rail against “Killary” on the basis of some insane contrived conspiracy theory that you’d have to be batshit to believe, than it is to confront your own horrible nature and truly confront the fact that you are a horrible person who supports horrible politicians who are committing crimes against humanity.

There were a lot of Germans who suddenly came to a very rude awakening after WWII…


Liberals gravely underestimated him. We radicals were appalled but not surprised.

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One of many reasons Obama is the greatest disappointment of my adult lifetime is that he set a precedent. The rich and powerful are above the Law. He did it by ignoring his legal obligation to investigate the Bush Administration for war crimes and crimes against humanity. He did it by refusing to investigate let alone prosecute the mortgage holders, bankers, and derivatives traders who tanked the economy and stole thousands upon thousands of homes. He did it by changing the procedure for large financial crimes from investigating and prosecution to cutting a deal everyone could be happy with.

He wasn’t the only step on our road to Hell. But he took big strides in that direction.


“100% legal” means jack shit in an authoritarian country.

But it does help to make all the people who have to fall in line to make this happen (term borrowed from @bb4me) feel comfortable numb.

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One word: Theresienstadt.


Don’t forget slave labour; disposable soldiery; and a bargaining chip with sane political rivals, other world powers.


I’m starting to think the kids are being farmed for body parts.


If they’re anything like the people I know, it’s probably along the lines of, “Well, if Trump’s a fascist, then I’m a fascist! And I’m not a fascist, so… you’re the fascist.”


I see the whole “you’re the real racist for calling me a racist” approach has getting extended out to new uses.


they quested for power by Inciting and then appeasing racists, really.
1.) ZOMG, Immigrants are taking over! (unstated but implied: And they’re brown people!)
2.) We’re doing everything to stop them.
3.) Vote for us instead of people who are weak on immigration (If you let Democrats in office, you’re be overrun by brown people)

They just slightly misjudged the level of cruelty that the median American was willing to have comitted in their name. Certainly the Nazi’s were far worse, but they ramped the cruelty up over a longer period, and usually tried to keep the worst of it secret.


And that’s whats really bothering me here: It’s all out in the open, and the fascist trump supporters are still ok with it all.

(I mean, besides the obvious madness, of course)

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To be precise, it means authoritarianism, of which police brutality is a subset.