Boy gets trapped in elevator after peeing on the buttons

I think that was more like peeing on the 3rd rail.

Back in the dark days of the 90’s in pre-gentrified Morningside Heights the elevator in our rent stabilized building would stink of pee. I hoped it was dissatisfied customers of the drug dealers in the building not the actual tenants. I hoped that.


I told him you said so. He wants to meet you now.

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I drive an old car. Once in freezing weather, when I was unable to get the key into the keyhole and had no other ready source of heat, I successfully thawed the driver’s door lock (enough to get the key in and turned) via the judicious application of emergency pee.


He might have been good with that spray, but the elevator could have had the last drop.

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Memory lane! I spent many a quarter on the arcade version of Elevator Action!


Me too! I have it on a MAME cabinet now, and it’s a fave with my kids also. They don’t make 'em like that any more, etc. etc.
(In fact, they didn’t make 'em like that for very long at all - there’s a sequel which is a totally different proposition and in my view far inferior.)

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