Boycott these companies supporting Trump's re-election

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Damnit. Taco Bell is just about the “healthiest” drive through I have routine access to.

Oh well! I believe strongly in voting with my dollar.


Clearly, I am going to need to eat out less. Fast food sure does believe in Trump. Wouldnt it be great if dumping Trump also had the side benefit of making america healthier?


I really wish this stupid, misspelled, poorly-sourced, outdated list (the one in the viral Twitter post, not the BET article) would stop making its way around social media.


I haven’t used anything on that list in the last 10 years. Are there other Trump-contributors I can boycott, preferably companies outside of fast food?

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I have to wonder (given most of these are nation wide franchises) how many support both political party candidates? I can easily see someone like McDonald’s supporting both sides…Chick-fil-a on the other hand I am certain only would support the GOP campaign, regardless of the candidate.


Wtf is Bang? Seems a bit obscure compared to the others on the list.


Completely agree. Most of the national chains will surely have multiple irons in the fire. House of chicken, OTOH, is demonstrably homophobic and will surely support repub candidates.


I can announce with zero effort I’m boycotting all those listed.



Make America Not Fat Again


The restaurants/companies in the list above (apart from Chick-fil-A) have all either given equally in the past to both Democratic and Republican causes or are overwhelmingly Democratic donors. There’s little to no evidence that any of them (again, apart from Chick-fil-A, which is evil as fuck) are directly supporting Trump 2020.


Fast Food supports both parties so they can pay a below-sustenance wage to their employees that you and I subsidize with taxes so those underpaid employees can get food stamps, Medi-cal, etc, etc.

Until CEO and Exec pay is indexed to worker pay – No employee shall make more than 15x the lowest paid employee – Fast Food will lobby to starve their employees and make you pay their health care.


Is Fast Food a company I’m not aware of?

One of the companies on the list above is In-N-Out Burger, which is well known for paying their employees and managers extremely well and treating them like human beings. They have donated to California state Democratic and, to a lesser extent, Republican causes. There’s zero evidence they’re donating to Trump 2020.


that’s it. i’m done eating food

Marvel is going to be the only hard one for me, but since I only support them with movie ticket sales I guess I’ll just not be going to their flicks in the near future.

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I don’t go to any of those other than a IHOP visit once a year for the kid’s bday. OTHER THAN In n Out Burger? really? crap, well, Super Duper serves beer so this is an easy decision (and free electricity for the e-car) I think there is a Five Guys down the road someplace now? I also hear that Burger King is rolling out their Impossible Burger nationwide.

I’ll miss the pickles… sniff

Ironic that the same companies that support that asshole are the same companies making 'murica fat and unhealthy.

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They make snacks, energy drinks, workout supplements, etc. Basically, broducts


I’ve seen this list a bunch of times, and I always assume it’s a joke. All fast food? No oil companies, defense contractors, gun makers, banks? Where are the perennial right wing nutjob stores, like Hobby Lobby, Papa John’s, etc?
That’s why I can’t take it seriously.


Well, there’s no fun at all in boycotting shit eateries I wouldn’t be caught dead eating at anyway :frowning: