Brett Kavanaugh: Birth Control = 'abortion inducing drugs.' #StopKavanaugh

Checked the comments for this. Found it. Left happy.

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I’ve worked in corporate America for over 30 years. I can assure you - people get pretty damn far even though they are idiots. For a variety of reasons. Most of them related to the fact that the right white guy knew some other white guy that he likes.
People in “power” or in high places in politics can be very cunning, but still be idiots. See Sarah Palin.


And you would be correct.


I’m a bit disappointed in him for that. I instantly thought of Selective Service, but then I don’t have a dozen lights in my face and aren’t surrounded by screaming children.

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Jesus. The tweet contradicting the headline is even linked in the story, but you went with that headline anyway.


This sounds to me like the Catholic line* on hormonal birth control–that it could cause early stage eggs which just implanted in the uterine lining to be aborted. I gather this is true in fairly rare cases, but it still comprises their objection to it being equivalent to abortifacients.

*At least, I would swear I’ve heard this repeated as a Catholic church talking point.


Having anything less than the morally correct number of children is multiple abortions. “Morally correct” being as many as you possibly can without them all starving to death.

As an abortion ban could be mostly circumvented by the fact many or most abortion are now chemically induced by drugs readily available legally and through the black market why isn’t there more outcry about the possibility of making any and all abortions criminal acts or is that presumed?

Not having sex is effectively abortion through loss of opportunity.

Everyone should be having sex at every possible opportunity and fertility drugs added to the food supply!!!


Since close to 50% of fertilized eggs naturally fail to implant in the lining, meaning a woman would never know she’d been carrying a fertilized egg for a brief time, I’d definitely draw the line for “pregnancy” at successful implantation.

But that’s, like, God’s Will or whatever so it doesn’t count.


You joke about this, but there’s groups on the far-right that believe (effectively) that condoms are murder. Discussed here, in fact. I recall posting, tongue in cheek, “Cockblocking is Murder”.


By chromosomal sex, yes. By gender, no. Apologies for non-binary pedantry. Don’t mean to distract from discussion of reproductive rights, but men is a gender, not a sex.

Also, unfuck this anti-choice chucklefuck, may a thousand ravenous scarab beetles feast upon his Gileadean flesh.


Ahhh, ya’ got me!

I was relying on the “all men are dogs” sawhorse.
I probably shouldn’t do that in future.


No worries. It’s hardly your fault that cultural gender norms are backed into the foundations of the English language.


There’s some major problems with the whole “life begins at conception” argument. We have a hard time defining life even at a unicellular level since now we know of macro-viruses (viruses that border on being alive and friggin huge for a virus) and even unicellular organisms of extreme sizes (there’s technically unicellular organisms that measure in centimeters). So to say that one fertilized egg equals a viable living organism is really problematic from a science point of view. Life… is really complicated. Too bad Christians are too willfully ignorant of the science to admit as much. Then again, these clown shoe types also think GR/SR is wrong because they think it justifies moral relativism since it uses the term relativity to describe itself. LOL


He isn’t making a rational argument. He’s dogwhistling to dispensationalist evangelical maniacs and other affiliated members of modern mutated judean desert cults.


That caught my eye too. Everyone seems to be just skipping over this.

“Everyone” huh?


Maybe I’m not seeing your point. This is a thread where people are criticizing him for referring to all contraception as abortion-inducing drugs. Ema was pointing out that, read in context, there’s good reason to believe that wasn’t actually what he was saying.

Maybe it’s just BB’s infuriatingly awkward threading system, but I don’t see how the links you provided relate to that .

Gee, you don’t say?

The headline isn’t exactly accurate, and trends more toward clickbait; that’s true.

The assertion that ‘everyone’ is “skipping over” what Kavanaugh actually said or tried to imply is also inaccurate because more than one person clarified the case in question… including the author, Xeni, even though she didn’t adjust the title of the post.