Brexit Leave campaign kills old website full of old promises

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In the words of Jon Stewart, “Don’t they know we’re taping this stuff?”

It gets harder and harder to say “But I never said that!” when there are things like DVRs and the Internet Archive. Which, as far as I’m concerned, is all to the good.


Is that true in the UK? Good on you. Here in the US, the right simply ignores the tape of them saying the horrible thing. Almost like “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” Trump is, of course, the master of this.


I think it is pretty much all politicians engaged in doublespeak.

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Sigh. I keep forgetting that we live in the post-factual reality, where a boldly-spoken lie trumps [sic] any amount of contrary evidence. Oh well.


Now that The People have chosen to exit the European Union, it’s time to roll up our sleeves, knuckle down, and begin the hard work of rolling back the promised, positive outcome.


Didn’t you hear? The people are tired of experts!


Of course the £350 million isn’t going to go to the NHS, especially since current exchange rate, the £350 million is now worth about a buck 25.


Seems like their web team did us a favor. It’s trivial to keep from caching your site. A lot of shady (and presumably non-shady) sites do it. Just update the robots file and, boom, annoying trustworthy web memory mostly gone.


It wasn’t even £350 million per week in the first place. The UK Statistics Authority wrote to the Leave campaign complaining that it was misleading; their estimate for the net amount going to the EU was about £135 million per week.


It amazes me that all you ‘tech’ types don’t understand how the new media have changed people. You should all go read “Understanding Media”, either for the first time, or again, so that you might understand how Twitspace and Mybook have changed both the mechanism and the role of media in decision making.

But first, you need to understand that decisions are ALWAYS made on the basis of emotion, and not facts. The people who voted “Remain” were afraid either that Britain couldn’t go it alone, or their livelihoods (banking, especially) were at risk. The Leave voters were sick of being told what they must accept from Brussels, especially when it involved thousands of ‘refugees’ and ‘migrants’ who came to Britain ONLY for the benefits on offer, and not to work. If you can’t, as a nation, decide who can come in and who can’t, what kind of nation are you? Would Canadians accept it if Obama told us that we had to take in 1 million migrants from Mexico and Central America? Leave voters were afraid their very nation was being reduced to theme parks and music festivals, as millions of people who shared neither British origins, or British values, were ready to flood in.

Cory, you might do well to study the actions of pendulum. When it swings too far one way, it has to come back to the centre. This incessant push for globalization has been done too quickly, without allowing “the little” people to assimilate the changes. Hence, the swing back to nationalism. In time, the pendulum will swing back, but many here seem to react like spoiled children whose candy has been taken away.

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Thanks for showing us what the thought process of a Brexit voter looks like.


What ! What?

Open and closed case then, or, er, something.


Doesn’t surprise me at all sadly.

Tories deleting pre-election pledges post election is standard operating procedure at this point…


Well then, I emotionally reject this, your facts are irrelevant.

You’re right, this is a lot easier, not to mention more fun!


I’m starting to think the reason they called it Brexit is that it sounds like breakfast - the only thing Brits are really good at.



I’d love it if the folks behind the Leave campaign tried to invoke the “right to be forgotten” to limit visibility of the Internet Archive cache of their webpage, only to be told that the Data Protection Directive under which they are trying to be forgotten doesn’t apply since it’s an EU directive.


I can understand (if not agree with or approve of) the scare quotes around ‘refugees’, but ‘migrants’? ‘Migrants’ is at best a neutral term, sometimes a derogatory one (though ‘immigrants’ usually plays that role); I can’t think of any circumstances in which it’s been used so positively that someone feels compelled to say, in effect, “Oh, sure they’re migrants </sarc>.”

Edited to add: in 2014, the employment rate for male migrants in the UK was slightly higher than that for UK-born men (source). So not only are they coming here with no intention of working, they’re also stealing our jobs.