Brexit results going forward

Yes to all. Did you see her in that short film with Jim Broadbent? About a phone call? Also great stuff.

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THAT is the only thing I haven’t seen her in; it’s available through my Amazon prime membership… but the vid (even though short) is glitchy and keeps locking up. Thanks, Amazon! I’ve tried a few times. I’ll try yet again! If necessary, I’ll console myself and again re-watch Happy Go-Lucky. (It’s not on YT yet; I’ve just checked, prompted by your post.)

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Looks like it’s on Kanopy too, if your local library has that platform. Best of luck!


Excellent! LAPL has kanopy! Thx!!! :yum:

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Sadly, I’m pretty sure it’s high on the list of actual reasons for Tories to support Brexit.


Priti Patel accusing the EU of abusive behaviour is priti ironic.

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