Bride marries herself in lonesome wedding

If I got less than 100% of everything, I’d be beside myself.


Why limit yourself to loving yourself once?

I love myself every day - usually right before I go to sleep.


From what I have read, there are quite a few right-wing micro-nationalists who will go through lengths to explain why the Veneto needs to gain formal independence, and some nutters among them who don’t recognize the Italian government.

Is that what you were referring to?

Oh, and BTW, is it just me or should it be sologamy, not gomy?


Hm: wedding … party.

It seems to check out.

I was referring to consent-to-be-governed, highlighting that many give recognition by the state primacy, as opposed to recognition of the state.

Your example illustrates how BB staff and users, who lean fairly liberal, often both assume statist principles to be universal, and characterize non-statism as being a right-wing position. But there are people from all over the political spectrum who don’t wake up one day and decide to join a country. Also, recognizing a government and accepting its citizenship are two very different matters. Often, a more civilized option is to establish a different government.

And one of the best ways to do so is to implement other voluntary ways of recording births, marriages, deaths, charters, etc instead of trusting these to, basically, bullies.

Reminds me of this ceremony…

Can’t say you’re wrong here. But I’ve gotten used to hearing it, even from a general enlightened group as the happy mutants we have here.


If it’s not legal, does that make her in laws…outlaws?


If I get this right, you say that BB and the people on this forum, excluding yourself, tend to say that rejecting the influence of any form of government on the individual and society is a right-wing position.

And you spring to this conclusion because I asked of you were referring to right-wing separatists in northern Italy when you talked about people not “legally recognising” the Italian government.

That’s an… interesting conclusion.

Please don’t elaborate. At least not on a thread about a delightfully weird wedding.

You don’t.

OK marriage doesn’t have anything to do with being recognized by any governments. Knock yourself out with your whimsical delights. There isn’t anybody stopping you.

If she meets someone for a date, is it cheating?


That depends, is the date named Polly? I have no opinion on married people opening up their relationship, as long as everyone consents.


do you even America? Oh, hi popo.


Legal rights stemming from marriage, including: adoption, inheritance, tax benefits, retirement benefits, survivor’s benefits, hospital visitation, &c. kind of all are.


Good for her… I suppose. She’s sees the glass as half full instead of half empty. Still… it’s only half a glass. Where’s my pint of Guinness?

I’m happily married, but I had an affair with myself once. I had to cut it off because the wife was starting to suspect.

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