Brids and other animals painted on feathers

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Whats a Brid?

Is this an advertisement for that new Bridget Jones movie?

I’d love a feather painted with the Brid of Frankenstein.

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Can I get a painting of a seagull flying over pounding waves on the Maine coast.

“Brid over troubled water”

There is a long tradition of painting on turkey feathers, and I suspect if she looked around she could find a lot of them cheaply (given how many wild turkeys are harvested per yer).

When I was in Mexico I could finally find one that I liked and could afford and gave an underwater scene to my dad.

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She better specify that folks should send her non-migratory bird feathers. Having even “found” feathers is a federal offence that often gets prosecuted…

Brids and other animals

Hey, I know they rejected EU membership for horrible and often bigoted reasons, but that’s no excuse to call them “animals.”


That’s right. Animals have feelings, too!

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Especially in this day and age when we have the phrase “dumpster fire” at the ready.


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