Brilliant tip requires only a toilet, bag of screws and a box of elastic bands

You know…not to be too graphic but, ultimately the pasta ends up in the same place…eventually.


I really don’t want to know what they thicken their sauce with…


… it was far more convenient to pee in the pantry.


The vid should result in Italian consulates here to be abandoned.


i can taste the rubber band from here


Also r/stupidfood


I always wondered what happened to my horrible roommate that would use the kitchen dish sponge to clean his bathroom, this included scrubbing his shower, the toilet, and his sink. He would then return the kitchen “dishes” sponge to the kitchen. The rest of the flat mates were a bit pissed when this came to light about six months after he’d moved in, It was discovered when he walked past us with the sponge he was returning to the kitchen after cleaning his bathroom… There was a lot of yelling. His defense was he didn’t cook, so what’s the big deal?


Actually a “shit post”. :roll_eyes:

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I guess this would have been a thing when Hee-Haw was fresh. That’s a long row to hoe for something that isn’t even funny.

I didn’t watch the video, I don’t understand the comments, I think so far I am winning :medal_sports:




Thing is, it’s not funny? To me anyway. I like to think I’m not a stick in the mud but from wasting food to the air of desperation that comes with trying to make an unfunny idea work, it’s just a lot of energy wasted on a barely amusing shitpost.


According to dadaist humor, jokes don’t have to be funny.

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I guess… I don’t claim to have a sophisticated sense of humor, and I’m into absurd and even so-unfunny-it’s-funny, but in those cases the unfunny is usually on purpose. Here, though… Oh well. ¯\(ツ)

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Me too!

Here’s my favorite joke.

What do you get when you cross a horse and a donkey?

A mule!

It’s practically the antithesis of a joke.


Would have been bettter if he’d been like “so… what’s it for? Well, check THIS out!” And then he squats and takes a big dump while beaming proudly at the camera.

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Mine is
What do you call a frog in a caravan?


My partner finds it the most irritating joke in the world.


A guy at a fancy restaurant orders soup, but when the waiter brings the soup out, there’s a fly in it.

The guy says to the waiter, “Hey, waiter! What’s this fly doing in my soup?!”

The waiter looks intently at the fly for a few seconds and says, “It doesn’t appear to be doing anything, sir. In fact, I do believe that it’s dead.”


Colanders? When I was in college, I had the fortune of a lid to my saucepan. Leave a little gap and drain the water no problem. Then I got a good job, bought a house, made sure it had a screen door in back. Now I just throw the whole mess at the door. Now,

  1. Don’t forget to put your serving dishes on the threshold to catch the falling pasta, and
  2. Always lock the kids in the basement when doing this cause they will inexorably scurry up to the hot noodles and risk burning their mouths.

*PSA: this was a joke post, for better or worse (straining noodles with the lid was real though. Today I own two plastic strainers)